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Merging duplicate applicant entries

Menu path

HRM à Reports à People à Applicants


An applicant can apply for more than one vacancy in an organization. When this happens, multiple entries for the same applicant are entered into the system, and displayed in the Applicants report.

At this page, you can merge selected duplicate applicant entries to a lead or main applicant. This is to avoid duplicate entries in the system. Once the selected applicants have been merged to a lead applicant, the process cannot be undone. You can only change the lead applicant selected to a different applicant when modifying the details of the respective applicant. For more information, see Modifying applicants.

Roles and rights

To merge duplicate applicant entries, function right 158 – View resources reports is required. Users with the General manager, HR, or HR assistant role have this function right.


  • For more details on function rights, go to System à Setup à Security à Function rights.
  • For more details on roles, go to System à Setup à Security à Roles.

What version are you using?

The information in this document is based on product update 251.

How do I merge duplicate applicant entries?

  1. On the HRM: Applicants page, and then click Show.
  2. Click Merge. The HRM: Merge - Applicants page will be displayed.
  3. Define the relevant criteria, and then click Show to display the applicant entries that match the defined criteria.
  4. Select the check boxes of the respective applicants next to the ID column to define the applicant entries that you want to merge.
  5. Click Merge. The Lead applicant selection page will be displayed.
  6. Select an applicant entry, which will become the lead entry for the selected applicant entries. A message "Inactive: Applicant" will be displayed.
  7. Click Yes to change the statuses of all the selected applicant entries (except the lead entry) to Inactive. The merging process is cancelled if you click No.

Keep in mind: Once the selected applicant entries have been merged to a lead applicant entry, the merging process cannot be reversed.




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 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 15.906.573
 Assortment:  Date: 06-05-2013
 Release:  Attachment:

OH251-Mergingduplicateapplicantentries-final.docx 33.2 KB View Download