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Overview of imported and to be imported bank statements

Menu path

Cash flow ➔ Entries ➔ Import


Cash flow entries can be entered manually or automatically by importing the relevant bank statement (on which the bank confirms all payment and receipts in your bank account). Entering the bank statements manually might generate errors. An alternate method is to import the electronic bank statements. These electronic files include the bank transactions. Importing of electronic bank statements is integrated with other modules in Exact Globe. Immediately after the import is finished, the financial transaction is created and the information is available at once.

The success of the matching rate relies heavily on the allocation rate when the bank statement is imported. During bank import, the system triggers allocation of debtor/creditor by searching for the offset bank account in the debtor/creditor maintenance. If the allocation fails, the matching will not be carried out. Therefore, manual allocation and matching are required for transactions that have not been allocated.

What version are you using?

The information in this document is applicable to product update 415 and higher. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.

How do I view the bank statements to be imported or have been imported?

  1. At Statement date, define the statement date or range of dates.
  2. To view bank statements that have been imported, define the date or range of dates of the import at Date import.
  3. Click Search.



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