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Why do I get the message 'No SQL server installed' when copying a company?

When using the copy company function via [File, Back-up/Restore/Copy] the message 'No SQL server installed' appears. There a two situations which can cause this message

Situation 1
There's no MS SQL Server installed on the workstation where the copy action is executed. To be able to copy the company MS SQL Server needs to be installed on the user’s local computer. To avoid this message a workstation installation of Exact Globe can be performed on the server. Via this workstation installation the copy action can be performed.

Situation 2
MS SQL Server is installed on on the workstation where the copy action is executed. But MS SQL Server is installed as a Named Instance. The copy function can only be used when MS SQL Server is installed as a Default Instance. When MS SQL Server is installed as a Named Instance you've specified a name for the SQL Server during the installation of SQL Server. This can be the case when you've multiple versions of SQL Server installed (e.g. MS SQL Server 2000 and MS SQL Server 2005). When you installed SQL Server as a Named Instance, the name of the SQL Server is the same as the name of the server on which SQL Server is installed.

In the open company screen you can check whether it's a Named Instance or Default Instance.

In the 'Open Company' screen select a company. With the 'Advanced' button the fields 'Server', 'Company' and 'Default date' are shown. In the field 'Server', the name of the SQL Server is displayed. When it's a Named Instance, the name exists out of two parts with a \ in between. In the example above, it's a Named Instance 'SQL2005' on the server 'MyServer'. When this would be a Default Instance the field only contains 'MyServer'.

More Information

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 30.050.879
 Assortment:  Date: 01-04-2021
 Release:  Attachment:

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