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HOWTO: Using the RequestFlow webservice of Exact Synergy Enterprise

The RequestFlow service is a specialized webservice in Synergy Enterprise that is used primarily to manipulate a request’s workflow. It is REST based, with as most important resource points OpenNew, RetrieveAll and Action. These 3 endpoints will all respond to a successful call by returning all details of the request that was accessed.


Request markup

All actions are done using authenticated HTTP POST requests with all relevant data encoded in the body. The only required custom header is DataServiceVersion, which should have value 3.0. It is recommended to use JSON to encode body data, using the headers Accept = application/json;charset=utf-8;odata=verbose, and ContentType=application/json;odata=verbose. Body data depends on the resource and action being taken. Some examples of body data follow below:


Get defaults for a new request

Call /OpenNew with the request type.







Submit changes to a request

Call /Action with the ID of the request to be changed, and any fields that need to be modified.



                {"Name":"ID", "Value":"a9d2996c-cbc4-45f1-b96e-6144e41135fa"},

                {"Name":"Description", "Value":"Test request change description"}




Retrieve a request

Call /RetrieveAll with the ID of the request.






Assign a request

Call /Action with the request ID and the ID of the person to assign the request to. It is possible to push other changes as well. The assignee should be passed in with the property AssignID.



                {"Name":"ID", "Value":"a9d2996c-cbc4-45f1-b96e-6144e41135fa"},

                {"Name":"AssignID", "Value":"1000"}





Remark a request

Call /Action with the request ID and the ID of the person to be remarked. This person should be passed in with the property RemarkID.



                {"Name":"ID", "Value":"a9d2996c-cbc4-45f1-b96e-6144e41135fa"},

                {"Name":"RemarkID",    "Value":"1000"}




Clear a remark

Call /Action with the request ID and the ID of the person who should be removed from the remarkers, This person should be passed in with the property ClearRemarkID.



                {"Name":"ID", "Value":"a9d2996c-cbc4-45f1-b96e-6144e41135fa"},

                {"Name":"ClearRemarkID", "Value":"1000"}





Document Number: 27.636.097

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