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Product Update 415: XML file for Intrastat enhanced (Polish legislation)

A new XML tag <IdKontrahenta> has been introduced in the XML file for the Intrastat sales and correction invoices. The XML tag contains the VAT number of the sales and correction invoices.

This enhancement is applicable to the Polish legislation, with the SE0008_PLRVI (CS Poland: Rejestry VAT i Intrastat) license installed in your Exact Globe Next.

The sales and correction invoices for Intrastat can be generated via Finance ➔ VAT/Statistics ➔ Rejestry ➔ vat I Intrastat, and by accessing either the Intrastat or Korekta ITS tabs.

Under the Typ deklaracji section, Wywóz must be selected for the new XML tag to be reflected in the XML file.


The new <IdKontrahenta> XML tag will be reflected as displayed in the following sample XML file:


In the case of goods that are returned to a supplier, the following message will be displayed when the supplier’s VAT number is missing:

To successfully record the booking of the goods that have been returned, the supplier’s VAT number must be defined in the creditor maintenance card for the VAT number to be included in the XML file for the sales invoice.


 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Release notes detail
 Category: Release Notes  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 27.730.698
 Assortment:  Date: 30-11-2017
 Release: 415  Attachment: