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Product Update 405: Changes to withholding tax (Thai legislation)

The withholding tax feature in Exact Globe Next allows withholding tax certificates for the suppliers, and reports for submission to the tax authorities to be printed for the Thai legislation (see Product Update 402: Withholding tax feature for Thailand enhanced (Thai legislation)). From February 1, 2013, all the tax identification numbers for individuals and business entities will be changed to 13 digits. With this change, it will be possible to identify the type of creditors from the account maintenance.

From February 1, 2013 onwards, new forms will be required and a new setting has been introduced in the creditor maintenance screen to determine whether the withholding tax information of the creditor should be reported under P.N.D.3 or P.N.D.53. In this product update, the following changes have been made:

Withholding certificate field has been added in the creditor maintenance screen

The Withholding certificate field has been added in the VAT section under the Financial tab in the creditor maintenance screen (go to Finance à Accounts payable à Maintain and click New). At this field, P.N.D.3 or P.N.D.53 can be selected. This selection determines the withholding tax classification that the creditor is reporting under. If this field is blank, the invoices related to the creditor will be excluded from the withholding taxes and the records of the creditor will not be displayed in the withholding tax certificates or reports.



Creation date field has been added in the Finance /VAT / Statistics / Withholding tax / Certificates screen

The Creation date field has been added in the Finance / VAT / Statistics / Withholding tax / Certificates screen (at Finance à VAT / Statistics à Withholding tax à Certificates). This date will determine the forms that will be used. If the date is later than “1/2/2013”, the new forms will be used. By default, the current date will be displayed.

In the form, the “Personal Identification No.” will be renamed to “Tax Identification No. (13 digits)*”. It will be renamed to “?????????????????????????? (13 ????)*” in the Thai language. A new section has been added at the bottom of the certificate.



Creation date field has been added in the Reports screen

The Creation date has been added in the Reports screen (at Finance à VAT / Statistics à Withholding tax à Reports, and click New). This field allows the creation date of the reports to be defined, and determines the forms that will be used. If the date is later than “01/02/2013”, the new forms will be used. By default, the current date is displayed.


Withholding tax report for business entities have been changed (P.N.D.53)

The P.N.D.53 report supports the English and Thai languages. Some of the labels in the Thai language have been changed which will be used from February 1, 2013 onwards.

New P.N.D.53 form (effective from February 1, 2013)

Some of the labels in Thai language have been changed.

Some of the labels in English have been changed.

All the transactions will display the tax identification numbers in the new format using 13 digit fields, irrespective of the length of the tax ID defined in the creditor maintenance screen.


Withholding tax report for individuals have been changed (P.N.D.3)

The P.N.D.3 form for individuals has been changed.

New P.N.D.3 form (effective from February 1, 2013)

Some of the labels in the form that were in English have been changed.

Some of the labels in the form that were in the Thai language have been changed.

All the transactions will display the tax identification numbers in the new format using 13 digit fields, irrespective of the length of the tax ID defined in the creditor maintenance screen.


 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Release notes detail
 Category: Release Notes  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 23.751.336
 Assortment:  Date: 09-05-2017
 Release: 405  Attachment: