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Product Updates 413 and 412: E-invoices can be generated based on standard SimplerInvoicing UBL version format (SI1.1 - UBL2.1) for Dutch customers

Dutch customers can now import and export the electronic invoices via XML based on the standard SimplerInvoicing UBL version format (SI1.1-UBL2.1). The enhancements are applicable only to debtors whose country codes of the invoice addresses are defined as NL.

New field available in debtor account maintenance

For this, the field OIN number has been added in the VAT section under the Financial tab of the debtor account maintenance. The OIN number allows you to identify which customers are associated with the government, hence, is mandatory to be filled before the electronic invoices are submitted. The following is an example of the Accounts - Debtors screen in the advanced mode:

Defining the UBL format to be generated for the electronic invoices

It is possible to specify the UBL format to be generated for the electronic invoices via the debtor account maintenance. The setting is defined via the icon next to the eInvoice check box, available under the Financial tab (in the Advanced mode), or the Logistics tab (in the Simple mode). The following example displays the setting in the Simple mode.

Click the icon to display the EInvoice Format screen, as shown in the following:

Depending on scenarios, the following will occur:

  • If the country code of the invoice address for the debtor is not defined as NL, nothing will be displayed in this screen.
  • If the country code of the invoice address for the debtor is defined as NL, UBL 2.1 will be displayed in this screen. If this format is selected (the check box under the Select column is selected), the electronic invoice will be generated based on UBL 2.1.
  • If the country code of the invoice address for the debtor is defined as NL, UBL 2.1 will be displayed in this screen. If this format is not selected (the check box under the Select column is not selected), then the electronic invoice will be generated based on UBL 2.0.

These enhancements are available from product update 412SPDEV onwards.

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Release notes detail
 Category: Release Notes  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 27.296.761
 Assortment:  Date: 29-01-2019
 Release: 412  Attachment: