One moment please...






Connection rejected. Unable to start server. (4289)

The server job submitted by the broker did not respond to the broker before the timeout specified expired for one of the following reasons:The server job may have ended unexpectedly due to an error. The server job submitted may still be in the job queue. There may be an unexpected error in the broker.


How to connect AS400 database using TCP/IP

This entry applies to Progress/400 DataServer version 7.3Cxx/8.0Cxx and Windows or Unix clients versions 7 and 8. It is intended to debug and solve problems when trying to use TCP/IP when connecting to an AS400 database.


1. Check if TCP/IP is up and running on both sides.
2. Check if the broker has been started using STRPRONET command.
3. Check if the broker remains active using WRKACTJOB command.
4. Check if the connection parameters used in the client are correct.


1. TCP/IP up and running.
   - Check if you can ping and telnet from the client to the AS/400.
   - Check if the Protocol table (CFGTCP -> 21 -> 2) contains the
     following entries:
                         icmp      1
                         ip          0
                         tcp        6
                         udp       17
If the OS/400 has been upgraded from V2R3 to V3R1 this table might be empty. If  need  to fill it up, then you need to stop (ENDTCP) and re-start (STRTCP) the AS/400's TCP/IP.
   - Check if the Services table (CFGTCP -> 21 -> 1) contains the name
     of the service you plan to use. The name must be in lowercase and
     have protocol tcp. For example:   as4sv00  3000 tcp.

2. Start the broker with STRPRONET.
   - To execute it you need to add to the library list the library
     where Progress is installed (ADDLIBLE), otherwise the command
     will not be found.
   - The service name must be supplied enclosed within single quote
     (for example: 'as4sv00') to prevent the AS/400 converting it to
   - Be sure that the Server Job Queue is a multi-threaded one.
     To verify this, use the DSPSBSD command.
     For example, to check if the Job Queue QINTER is multi-threaded,
     execute command DSPSBSD QINTER, then choose option 6 (Job queue
     entries) and look at the Max Active column for the QINTER Job
     Queue. It should say *NOMAX.
   - Answer *YES in Start Server w/Message Logging. In this way you
     will have a job log to look into if there are client connection

3. Broker remains active.
   - Use WRKACTJOB command to be sure that the broker PROTCPBRK is
     active and has SELW status. If not, look into the job log to see
     the error message. Common problems are:
     - PROTMP library doesn't exist because the INSTALL command was
       not executed. Run the INSTALL command to create it. (This only
       applies to version 7.3C20 and earlier.)
     - STRPRONET has not been run with QSECOFR authority.
     - QPRINT output queue is not available.

4. Connection parameters.
   Normally the first connection is tried to create the schema holder.
   Notes on the parameters you need to fill:
   - Dictionary Library Name: Name of the AS/400 library which
     contains the server schema (and possibly the data files).
   - Code-Page: Codepage used by the OS/400 as default. Not to be confused with the    codepage specified when creating the server
     schema with DUPPRODB.
   - Connection Parameters: The following parameters are required:
     -H <host name of the AS/400>
     -N tcp
     -S <service name>
     -U <user>
     -P <password>
     The service must match with the one specified when starting the broker on the AS/400.
     User and password (-U and -P) must be in uppercase.

PROSERVER Job on AS400 Not Started for Broker/Database

Progress/400 users connecting to an AS400 database via tcp/ip may experience a Progress client message 4289, "Connection rejected. Unable to start server." The AS400 job log for the PROTCPBRK (broker) may show the PRO9607 message, "TCP server started for user &1 has not responded to this broker." This condition could be related to the number of jobs in a subsystem/job queue that are allowed to be active at any given time. An AS400 system operator can adjust the number of maximum  jobs (threads) for this particular subsystem/job queue via the OS400 command CHGJOBQE (change job queue entry). The PRO9607 message indicates that a PROSERVER job has been submitted but has not yet messaged back to the broker that it is successfully started. This message must be received by the broker before another PROSERVER request may be handled.