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Release 392: Non-perpetual inventory supported in Rental and FieldService

In release 392, non-perpetual inventory is supported. When the following conditions are satisfied, fulfillment entries are created according to the logic of non-perpetual inventory:

  1. Legislation is one of the following: Argentina, Belgium, Chile, Colombia, France, Greece, Hungary, International, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Morocco, New Zealand, Poland, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand

  2. Setting for perpetual inventory under [System, General, Settings], tab 'Inventory settings', is set to 'Non-perpetual inventory':

  3. Item is not of type labour hour, machine hour or reason code.


This applies to stock entries that are imported in Globe and originate from:

  • service order lines,
  • sales lines in service contracts,
  • sales lines in rental contracts.


In help document 06.383.240 non-perpetual inventory is described as follows:

This option is used by those companies that do not register their changes in inventory quantities and the financial implications at the same time. In other words, the stock transactions in the warehouse do not have direct consequences in the financial system. Inventory entries are created when purchasing or selling, but without a value attached. Thus, these values are added manually every time at the beginning or end of the financial year or period. 

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Release notes detail
 Category: Release Notes  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 18.456.340
 Assortment:  Date: 08-07-2018
 Release: 392  Attachment: