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Product: Exact Event Manager
Release: 1.9.1 version 1.9010.2017.12004
Release Date


A patch has been released for Exact Event Manager 1.9.1. This patch is included as of product version 1.9010.2017.12004 of Exact Event Manager and can be downloaded per direct.

The patch includes following changes and solutions.

  • A SQL DML Action lasting longer than 30 seconds (the system default) would result in a time out error.
    To configure a higher SQL command time out, the new configuration parameter 'MaxRunTimeSQLCommandsSeconds' was added, default still set to 30 seconds.

    This new configuration parameter can be found in :
    • Exact.EM.Engine.WindowsService.exe.config file in the EEM engine service installation folder, for the alert processing ;
    • Web.config file in the EEM IIS folder (INetPub), for the SQL Command Designer, when creating a new DML action ('Run query' command).
  • (ref. 77.679.560) When Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 already was installed, the EEM setup could detect it still being needed to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010, after which this installation failed (because a higher version is already installed). The EEM setup has now been changed to check for, and install: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1.

  • (ref. 77.757.592) It was not possible to install EEM on Windows Server 2016 due to the check on the IIS version in the EEM installer. This check on the installed IIS version has now been removed.

  • The version numbering of EEM changed. The logic is now determined as following:
    • 1.901 - main EEM version
    • 2017 - year of the build
    • 12 - month of the build (always 2 digits)
    • 004 - build sequence number per month (3 digits)

    Version 1.9010.2017.12004 means: 4th build of december 2017, for release 1.901
    Version 1.9010.2017.09010 means: 10th build of september 2017 for release 1.901

  • You may notice that the size of the installer decreased compared to previous releases. Part of the EEM web help files were duplicated (and unused) in the past, this has been resolved resulting in a smaller installer.