Purchasing is done when there are demands for items deriving from sales orders, production orders and internal use requests. The process of purchasing is to create, authorize, print/process, receive, and payment. In this document you will see how to create the purchase order. You can create purchase orders by clicking New, or view and modify purchase order by clicking Open at an existing purchase order via Purchase/Entries/Purchase orders. A purchase order entry screen will be displayed when you click New or Open. In this screen you can register the purchase order by defining the supplier of whom you want to purchase from, and the item code and item quantity which you want to purchase. You can also define the purchase order condition such as the payment terms and discounts offered by the supplier. The following describes how to create and modify a purchase order.
Go to Purchase/Entries/Purchase orders, and then click New to create a new purchase order. To view or modify existing purchase order, select existing purchase order and then click Open.
The entering and modifying purchase orders function consists of the following sections:
A list of options appears if you click in the Ordered at box, Delivery to box, and other boxes. From the list, make your selection and click Select.
Type or select the supplier’s account number. The supplier’s name and address is then displayed in the box below.
You can specify where the items are to be delivered to. By default the warehouse specified at System/General/Settings, under Order settings at Default warehouse, is displayed. Type or select a warehouse or a debtor account that will receive the item. If you select a warehouse, Delivery to (Warehouse) is displayed. The address and contact person of the warehouse is then displayed in the box below. If you select a debtor account, Delivery to (Debtor) is displayed. The address and ID or name of the debtor is then displayed in the box below.
You can specify where the items are to be invoiced to. By default the warehouse specified at System/General/Settings, under Order settings at Default warehouse is displayed. Type or select a warehouse or a debtor account that will receive the purchase invoice from the supplier. If you select a warehouse, Invoice to (Warehouse) is displayed. The purchase order will use the Invoice address defined for the warehouse. You may select one of the addresses of the account defined at Account under the Company section in Company data settings. The address and contact person of the warehouse is then displayed in the box below. If the invoice address is not defined for the warehouse, the Invoice to (Warehouse) address will use the warehouse address. If you select a debtor account, Invoice to (Debtor) is displayed. The address and ID or name of the debtor is then displayed in the box below.
Click this to display the creditor’s information.
Click this to display the creditor’s financial transactions.
Click this to display the creditor’s address data.
This is a system-generated number as defined at System/General/Settings, under Number settings. The purchase order number cannot be edited.
This refers to purchase order date. Type or select the actual order date. By default, the current date is displayed.
Type the purchase order description.
Type or select the name of the resource that created the purchase order. By default, the resource pre-defined at the creditor maintenance via Finance/Account payable/Maintain, under Marketing tab (Advanced mode) or Financial tab (Simple mode) at the Representative field, is displayed.
This refers to purchase order method. Type or select the method used to place the purchase order. For example, the order may be placed via a phone call, or a faxed, posted, or e-mailed purchase order form.
Type or select the shipping method used for the purchase order. By default, the shipping method pre-defined at the creditor maintenance via Finance/Account payable/Maintain, under Financial tab at the Shipping via field, is displayed. If this is not pre-defined then the shipping method defined at System/General/Settings, under Order settings is displayed.
This is a system-generated number as defined at System/General/Settings, under Number settings at Purchase journal. The purchase invoice number cannot be edited.
Note: The purchase invoice number is pre-filled when the purchase invoice is entered for the respective purchase order.
If there is a price agreement linked to the selected supplier, it is pre-filled automatically. Price agreement for the supplier is defined at the creditor maintenance via Finance/Accounts payable/Maintain, under the Financial tab. This information cannot be edited.
Click this to specify payment terms and prepayments. For more information on specifying payment terms and prepayments, see Purchase Order Conditions .
Type or select the item(s) that you want to purchase and fill in the necessary information under the respective columns when entering the order lines. A list of options is displayed if you press F2 in the Item column, Price agreement column, and other columns. From the list, make your selection and click Select.
Note: It is possible that not columns in this example are displayed. You can add or remove the columns as required by clicking Columns at the toolbar. For information on how to specify the columns, see Defining Purchase Orders Columns.
Type or select the code of the item that you want to purchase.
Upon selecting an item, press TAB or ENTER and the following details are pre-filled accordingly.
The item description as defined in the item maintenance is displayed.
Type or select the blanket purchase order to manually link the blanket purchase order to the purchase order.
Note: For an existing purchase order, the blanket purchase order is automatically linked if the following conditions are met:
The price agreement defined at the Items by supplier screen in the Purchase/ Sales tab at the item maintenance via Purchase/Items/Maintain is displayed.
Type the actual quantity of item purchased. By default, the total quantity is 1.
The purchase unit of the item as defined in the item maintenance is displayed. This information cannot be edited.
Type or select the actual fulfillment date of the purchase order. By default, the current date is displayed.
Note: The default date is also defined in the item maintenance, under the Purchase/Sales tab (click on a supplier, at the Time of delivery box). If the Time of delivery is defined as 2 days, then the fulfillment date in the purchase order entry will be defaulted with a date by the formula: Fulfillment date = Purchase order date + Time of delivery.
The item price per purchase unit is displayed. The item price per purchase unit is defined at the item maintenance via Purchase/Items/Maintain, under the Purchase/ Sales tab, at the Suppliers section, in the Items by supplier screen.
Type the percentage of discount given by the supplier for the item if a discount is applicable.
This is automatically calculated based on Price and Disc. %. If there is no discount, then Net price is equivalent to Price.
Type or select the value-added tax levied on the item.
Type or select the country code of the country where the selected item will be exported. This column only applies to the European Union (EU) for trading among EU countries. This information is mandatory. Once the country code is defined, the INTRASTAT data screen will be displayed. For detailed instructions on how to create INTRASTAT for items, see Creating and Maintaining INTRASTAT for Purchase Orders.
Note: The Country column is available for selection only if the INTRASTAT registration for purchases check box at System/General/Settings, under INTRASTAT settings in the Entry section is selected.
This is automatically calculated based on Net price and VAT. This information cannot be edited.
Type or select the resource who will be receiving the item in the warehouse.
The following summary is shown below the purchase order entry:
The total net prices for all the purchase order lines with the formula: Net = Total price – Total Discount, is displayed.
The total tax amount for all the purchase order lines is displayed.
The total amount for all the purchase order lines, which is automatically calculated based on the total net and total taxes, is displayed.
The purchase order process flow displays the statuses of the purchase order by displaying the date the process was completed and a green check mark. The purchase order process flow also allows you to process the purchase orders by clicking on the processes. For example, if you want to authorize the purchase order, click Authorized.
A green check mark and a date indicate that the purchase order has been entered on the shown date.
A red cross indicates that the purchase order is not authorized. Click this to authorize the purchase order. A green check mark and a date indicate that the purchase order is authorized on the shown date. If the authorization is not mandatory, as defined at System/General/Settings, under Purchase settings, then the Authorized process flow will not appear. For more information, see Authorizing Purchase and RTV Orders.
A red cross indicates that the purchase order is not processed. Click this to process the purchase order. A green check mark and a date indicate that the purchase order is processed on the shown date. For more information, see Printing and Processing Purchase Orders.
A red cross indicates that the items for the purchase order are not received yet. Click this to enter the receipts for the purchase order. A green check mark and a date indicate that the items for the purchase order have been received on the shown date. For more information, see Receiving Purchase Orders.
A red cross indicates that the purchase order is not invoiced. A green check mark and a date indicate that the invoice has been generated for the purchase order on the shown date. For more information, see Creating and Maintaining Purchase Journal Entries.
A red cross indicates that the purchase order is not paid. A green check mark and a date indicate that the purchase order has been paid on the shown date. For more information, see Entering Payment and Receipt.
Click this to obtain an overview of completed and incomplete converted purchase orders. From the overview, you can view the selected purchase order. For more information, see Overview of Converted Purchase Order History.
Note: The sales information is converted from the Macola Progression® database to the Exact Globe database using a conversion tool. This button is available only if you select the View sales history conversion check box in Conversion history settings. For more information, see Conversion History Settings.
Click this to view information about ordered items based on supplier or item at one glance. For more information, see Power View Report for Purchase Orders.
Click this to view the source requirement for the purchase order. The source requirement can be a sales order or for internal use.
Click this to view the receipt records for the purchased items. For more information, see Receiving Purchase Orders.
Click this to allocate production of units to a certain transaction, for instance a sales order. For more information, see Allocating Items in Sales Order and Service Order Conditions.
Note: After an order has been allocated, and either a partial receipt or partial fulfillment has occurred, the allocation for the remaining units must be removed.
Click this to view the Material Requirements Planning overview for the purchased items. For more information, see Overview of MRP.
Click this to view or edit the project information linked to the purchase order. For more information, see Creating and Maintaining Projects.
Click this to reconcile the purchase order with an invoice. For more information, see Overview of Purchase Receipts and Purchase Invoices to be Reconciled.
Click this to group the items by the fulfillment date (the quantity for the same item will be added up automatically and displayed in one row) or the original line number (displayed as the original purchase order item line).
Click this to create another new purchase order.
Click this to exit.