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Defining Service Order Columns


You can see the following screen by clicking  Columns in the Service orders screen (go to Service/Entries/Service orders, and then click Open or New). This screen refers to the columns in the service order lines. If you want certain columns to be available in the service order lines, select the relevant check boxes for the columns. For example, if you want the Description column to be available in the service order lines, select the Description check box.


Line section

This section refers to the columns in the service order lines. If you want certain columns to be available in the service order lines, select the relevant check boxes for the columns. For example, if you want the Ordered column to be available in the service order line, select the Ordered check box.


Type a description for the service item. By default, the description of the selected service item displayed is based on the Description defined at the item maintenance (go to Service/Items/Maintain, select the relevant service item, and then click Open).

Long description 

The long description of the selected service item displayed is based on the Text defined at the item maintenance (go to Service/Items/Maintain, select the relevant service item, and then click Open), under the Basics tab. This column cannot be edited.


Type or select the code of the warehouse where the selected service item is stored. By default, the warehouse code displayed is based on the Warehouse defined in the service order header. This information is mandatory.

Note: This check box is available only if you have E-Warehouse management included in your license.


Type or select the pricelist of the selected service item. If the service was selected by pressing the F4 key (in the Item column), the Sls. price of the service item created at the item maintenance (go to Service/Items/Maintain, select the relevant service item, and then click Open), under the Basics tab will be the default. Otherwise, if the service item was selected by pressing the F2 key (in the Item column), by default, the pricelist displayed is based on the pricelist created for the service item (at Order/Price management/ Price lists) or the price agreement created for the debtor who placed the service order (at Order/Price management/ Price agreement). This information is mandatory.

Note: If a price agreement has been created for the debtor who placed the service order, the Pricelist for the selected service will be defaulted to the price agreement (only if the selected service is included in the price agreement). If there are three or more price lists for the service item, a list of all the price lists for the service item will be displayed for selection. If there is no price agreement for the selected debtor or no price list is created for the service item, the Pricelist will be defaulted to the Sls. price of the service item defined at the item maintenance (go to Service/Items/Maintain, select the relevant service item, and then click Open), under the Basics tab.


Type the quantity of the selected service item ordered by the debtor. By default, “1” is displayed.


This column displays the quantity of the selected service item that has been provided to the debtor. This column cannot be edited.


Type or select the unit of the selected service item. By default, the unit displayed is based on the Sls. unit defined at the item maintenance (go to Service/Items/Maintain, select the relevant service item, and then click Open), under the Basics tab. This information is mandatory.

Requested date

Type the date the selected service item is requested by the debtor. By default, the requested date displayed is based on the Service order date defined in the service order header. This information is mandatory.

Note: This check box is available only if you have selected the Order performance dates check box at System/General/Settings, under Order settings in the Entry section.

Note: This column is enabled only if the selected service item is a physical item (item which is not hour or contract items).

Planned date

Type the date the selected service item is planned to be provided to the debtor. By default, the planned date displayed depends whether the service item selected is a stock controlled item, purchase order controlled item, production order controlled item, or purchase and production controlled item.

If the service item is a stock controlled item, the Planned date is the same as the Requested date. If the service item is a purchase order controlled item, the Planned date is based on the date (system date) the service order is created, the Time of delivery of the main supplier defined at the item maintenance (go to Service/Items/Maintain, select the relevant service item, click Open, and under the Purchase/Sales tab, select a supplier under the Suppliers section, and click ), and the Delivery lead time of the service item(s) for the debtor (click  in the Delivery to box to view and edit the Delivery lead time).

If the service item is a production order controlled item, the Planned date is based on the lead time of the Bill of materials (BOM) and the Delivery lead time of the service item(s) for the debtor. Otherwise, if the service item is a purchase and production controlled item, the Planned date is based on the shortest lead time. This information is mandatory.

Note: This check box is available only if you have selected the Order performance dates check box at System/General/Settings (under Order settings in the Entry section), and the Stock controlled check box at the item maintenance (go to Service/Items/Maintain and select the relevant service item, under the Inventory tab in the Attributes section).

Note: This column is enabled only if the selected service item is a physical item (item which is not hour or contract items).

Original planned date

This column displays the original date the selected service item is planned to be provided to the debtor. By default, the original planned date displayed is the same as the Planned date. If the service order does not require authorization or confirmation, the original planned date of the corresponding item will be recalculated and updated according to the corresponding fulfillment date entered under the Fulfillment date column before the sales order is saved for the first time. This column cannot be edited.

Note: This check box is available only if you have selected the Order performance dates check box at System/General/Settings, under Order settings in the Entry section.

Note: This column is enabled only if the selected service item is a physical item (item which is not hour or contract items).

Note: The Original planned date will not be updated once the service order confirmation has been printed.

Fulfillment date

Type the date the selected service item will be delivered to the debtor. By default, the fulfillment date displayed depends whether you have selected the Order performance date check box at System/General/Settings, under Order settings in the Entry section.

If you have selected the Order performance dates check box, the fulfillment date is defaulted based on the Planned date in the service order minus the Delivery lead time of the service item(s) for the debtor (click  in the Delivery to box to view and edit the Delivery lead time). This calculation is only for physical items (items that are not hour items).

If you have not selected the Order performance dates check box, the fulfillment date is defaulted to the Service order date defined in the service order header.

Sales price                                                                                                                                                                      

This column displays the sales price of the selected service item. By default, the sales price displayed is based on the Sls. price defined at the item maintenance (go to Service/Items/Maintain, select the relevant service item, and then click Open), under the Basics tab. This column can be edited only if the Sls. price is not defined.

Note: To allow users to edit the sales price if the sales price is not “0.0”, function rights To change the gross price is required.

Disc. %

This column displays the discount for the selected service item. By default, the discount displayed depends on the Pricelist selected. This column cannot be edited.

Disc. % (Extra)

Type the extra discount to be given to the debtor for the selected service item. By default, the extra discount displayed is based on the Discount defined at the debtor maintenance (go to Finance/Accounts receivable/Maintain, select the relevant debtor, and then click Open), under the Financial tab in the General section (the Discount box at the debtor maintenance is available only if the Advance button is clicked).

Note: This column for the selected service item is enabled only if you have not selected the No discount check box at the item maintenance (go to Service/Items/Maintain, select the relevant service item, and then click Open), under the Purchase/Sales tab.

Total discount %

This column displays the total discount of the selected service item. This column cannot be edited.

Note: The calculation of the Total discount depends on the Discount calculation defined at System/General/Settings, under Order settings in the Entry section.

Net price

Type the net price for the selected service item. By default, the net price displayed is based on the Sales price minus Total discount.

Note: This column for the service item is enabled only if you have not selected the No discount check box at the item maintenance (go to Service/Items/Maintain, select the relevant service item, and then click Open), under the Purchase/Sales tab.


Type or select the VAT code for the selected service item. By default, the VAT displayed is based on the VAT defined for the selected debtor at the debtor maintenance (go to Finance/Accounts receivable/Maintain, select the relevant debtor, and then click Open), under the Financial tab in the VAT section. Otherwise, the VAT is defaulted based on the Sales VAT code defined at the item maintenance (go to Service/Items/Maintain, select the relevant service item, and then click Open), under the Basics tab. This information is mandatory.

Note: You can create VAT at System/General/Countries/Tax codes.


Type the amount of the selected service item. By default, the amount displayed is based on the Net price excluding VAT * Ordered (the percentage in the VAT column * the quantity in the Ordered column).

Note: This column for the selected service item is enabled only if you have not selected the No discount check box at the item maintenance (go to Service/Items/Maintain, select the relevant service item, and then click Open), under the Purchase/Sales tab.

Cost price

Type the cost price of the selected service item. By default, the cost price displayed is based on the Cost price of the service item defined at the item maintenance (go to Service/Items/Maintain, select the relevant service item, and then click Open), under the Basics tab.

Markup %

This column displays the markup percentage of the selected service item. By default, the markup percentage displayed depends whether Markup or Margin is selected for the Profit calculation at System/General/Settings, under Order settings, in the Entry section. This column cannot be edited.

Note: Markup = (Salesprice - Costprice) / Costprice;

           Margin = (Salesprice - Costprice) / Salesprice

Destination country

Type or select the country code of the country where the selected service item will be exported. This column only applies to the European Union (EU) for trading among EU countries. This information is mandatory. Once the country code is defined, the INTRASTAT data screen will be displayed. For more information, see Creating and Maintaining INTRASTAT for Sales Orders, Return to Merchant Authorization (RMA) Orders, Service Orders, and Sales Quotations.

Note: This check box is available only if you have selected the INTRASTAT registration for sales check box at System/General/Settings, under INTRASTAT settings in the Entry section.


Type or select the employee who is in charge of the selected service item. By default, the resource displayed is based on the Resource defined in the service order header. This information is mandatory.

Full name

This column displays the full name of the employee who is in charge of the selected service item. By default, the full name of the employee displayed is based on the First name, Middle name, and Last name (based on the employee ID defined in the Resource column) defined at the resource maintenance (go to HR/Human resources/Maintain, select the relevant resource, and then click Open), under the General tab. This column cannot be edited.

Cost center

Type or select the cost center of the resource. By default, the cost center displayed is based on the resource’s cost center (the Resource defined in the service order header). You can create cost centers at System/Finance/Cost centers/units/Cost centers.

Note: This check box is available only if you have selected the Change of cost center check box at System/General/Settings, under Order settings in the Entry section.

Cost unit

Type or select the cost unit of the selected service item. You can create cost units at System/Finance/Cost centers/units/Cost units.

Serial/batch numbers

Type or select the serial number of the selected service item.

Note: This column for the selected service item is enabled only if you have selected the Batch check box or Serial check box at the item maintenance (go to Service/Items/Maintain, select the relevant service item, and then click Open), under the Inventory tab in the Attributes section.

Note: This check box is available only if you have E-Serie/Batch included in your license.


Type the instruction for the selected service item.


Click this if you want the assortment columns to be available in the service order lines. Select the assortment(s) that you want to be displayed, and click OK. The assortment column(s) displays the assortment(s) of the selected service item. The assortment column(s) cannot be edited.

Note: These check boxes displayed depend on the number of assortments defined at System/General/Settings, under Item data settings in the Assortments section. For example, if three assortments are defined, three Assortment check boxes will be displayed.

Setting: Dialog section

In this section, you can set messages that you want to be displayed in the service order entry for certain changes made to the service order to warn the person creating or modifying the service order of the changes before proceeding with the changes. Select Always to always proceed with the changes without displaying a message, select Never to never proceed with the changes and no message will be displayed, or select Ask user if you want message to be displayed for the changes made to the service order before proceeding with the changes.

Calculate: Discount?

The Calculate: Discount message is displayed if changes are made to the Ordered column for service items with discount. This function adds up the quantities of all the service order lines to get the correct discount for the service order lines that have the same service item and same price list. Click Yes to calculate the discount for the selected service item.

Update: Debtor data?

The Update: Debtor data message is displayed if changes are made to the Invoice to, Payment condition (under Conditions in the Payment data section), Currency (under Conditions in the Payment data section), Resource (in the Sales order header), Shipping via, or Selection code (under Conditions in the Analytical group section) if the changes made differs from what has been defined for the debtor at the debtor maintenance (go to Finance/Accounts receivable/Maintain, select the relevant debtor, and then click Open). Click Yes if you want the changes made to be updated at the debtor maintenance for the debtor, or click No to only change the details in the service order.

Update: Fulfillment date?

The Update: Fulfillment date message is displayed if changes are made to the expiry date in the service order quotation header. Click Yes to update the Fulfillment date for all the service order quotation lines.

Note: The Update: Fulfillment date message is applicable only to service order quotations.

Unknown: Activity – Resource

The Unknown: Activity – Resource message is displayed if the resource defined for the hour item in the service order line is not linked to the hour item, whereby the resource is not defined for the hour item at Service/Items/Hours or Projects/Items/Hours, under the Resources tab. Click Yes to add the selected resource to the hour item, or click No to select another resource.

Note: The Unknown: Activity – Resource message is applicable only to hour items.

Change sales order lines: Warehouse code

The Change sales order lines: Warehouse code message is displayed if the Warehouse in the service order header is changed. Click Yes to change all the warehouse codes in the service order lines to the warehouse code defined in Warehouse in the service order header, or click E-mail to send an e-mail. If No is clicked, the warehouse code in the service order lines will not be changed.

Reset: Prepayment?

The Reset: Prepayment message is displayed if the Prepayment button (in Conditions) is clicked when prepayment has been created for the service order. Click Yes to cancel the prepayment, or click E-mail to send an e-mail. If No is clicked, the prepayment will not be cancelled.

Exchange rate: Recalculate the currency amounts?

The Exchange rate: Recalculate the currency amounts message is displayed if the exchange rate at Currency in the Conditions screen is changed. Click Yes to recalculate the sales price, net price, amount, and cost price of the service order lines based on the defined exchange rate (if the exchange rate is different from the exchange rate defined previously), or click No to change the exchange rate of the service order but the service order amounts in the service order lines will not be changed.

Overwrite: Planned?

The Overwrite: Planned message is displayed if the resource for the service order line is changed when the service order line has been planned for the resource. You will see this message if you press F2, select a resource, and click Plan. Click Yes to overwrite the plan for new resource, or click No to exit.

Note: The Overwrite: Planned message is only applicable to hour items.

Public holidays. Create?

The Public holidays. Create message is displayed when a plan is created for the resource in the service order line on a public holiday. You will see this message if you press F2, select a resource, and click Plan. Click Yes to create a plan for the resource, or click No to exit and changes to the resource will not be made.

Note: The Public holidays. Create message is only applicable to hour items.

Line: Unallocate?

The Line: Unallocate message is displayed when the selected service item in the service order line has been allocated (for example, production receipts, positive stock counts), and changes are made to the service item such as changing the Ordered quantity, deleting the service order line of the selected service item, and others. Click Yes to remove the allocation of the service item, or click No to return to the service order entry and changes to the service item will not made.

Partial delivery allowed

The Partial delivery allowed message is displayed if the Partial delivery allowed check box in Conditions is not selected, and there are two or more service order lines for the same service item with different fulfillment dates. Click Yes to change the fulfillment dates for all the service order lines with the same service item to the fulfillment date stated in the message, or click No to return to the service order entry and changes to the fulfillment dates for the service order lines will not be made.

Document: Delete?

The Document: Delete message is displayed when all the service order lines in the service order are deleted, and there are still documents linked to the service order. You will see this message when Close is clicked. Click Yes to delete the service order.

Reset: Status?

The Reset: Status message is displayed when the service order has been authorized, and changes are made to the service order. Click Continue to remove the authorization status, click E-mail to send an e-mail, or click Cancel if you do not want to remove the authorization status of the service order.

Reset: Partial delivery allowed?

The Reset: Partial delivery allowed message is displayed if the Partial delivery allowed check box in Conditions is not selected, and the warehouse in the service order line is changed to a different warehouse from the Warehouse defined in the service order header. Click No if you do not want the Partial delivery allowed check box to be selected, click OK if you want the Partial delivery allowed check box to be selected, or click E-mail to send an e-mail.

Reset: Discount

The Reset: Discount message is displayed if the Invoice to debtor is changed. Click Yes to change the Pricelist: Invoice debtor, and the Pricelist column in the service order lines.

Note: If the Pricelist column in the service order lines consists of more than one pricelist rather than Salesprice (standard sales price), the Pricelist column of the item in the service order line will be empty.

Recalculate the currency amounts?

The Recalculate the currency amounts message is displayed if the Currency in Conditions is changed. Click Yes to recalculate the sales price, net price, amount, and cost price of the service order lines based on the defined currency, or click No to change the currency of the service order but the service order amounts in the service order lines will not be changed.

Item unknown in warehouse

The Item unknown in warehouse message is displayed if the Warehouse in the service order header has been changed, and the defined Warehouse has not been added to the service item(s) in the service order lines. Click Yes to add the warehouse to the service item and the Warehouse column in the service order lines will be changed for the service item, or click No if you want to change only the Warehouse column in the service order lines without adding the warehouse to the service item. For more information, see Creating and Maintaining Items.

Fulfillment date is before the sales order date

The Fulfillment date is before the service order date message is displayed if the Fulfillment date defined in the service order lines for the service item is earlier than the Sales order date defined in the service order header. Click Yes if you want the Fulfillment date of the service item to be earlier than the Sales order date, or click No to change the Fulfillment date.

Type: Asset

The Type: Asset message is displayed if the service item defined in the service order lines is of type Asset. Click Yes to continue, or click No if you do not want the item to be created in the service order.

Payment term: All installation information will be lost

The Payment term: All installation information will be lost message is displayed if you change the Invoice to debtor. Click Yes to continue (the selected Invoice to debtor will be receiving the invoice) and all the payment terms will be reset, or click No if you do not want to change the Invoice to debtor.

Note: If you click Yes, all the payment terms linked to the service order will be reset, and the payment condition will be re-applied.

Must be before: Fulfillment date

The Must be before: Fulfillment date message is displayed if the Sales order date in the service order header is changed to a date which is later than the earliest Fulfillment date in the service order lines. Click Yes to continue, or click No to change the Sales order date.

Invoice debtor: Status

The Invoice debtor: Status message is displayed if the Invoice to debtor is changed to an inactive debtor. Click Yes to continue (the inactive debtor selected will be the Invoice to debtor), or click No to change the Invoice to debtor to another debtor.

Note: If Ask user is selected at the Invoice debtor: Status, a warning message will be displayed if the debtor defined at the Invoice to box in the service order header is blocked or inactive. If Always is selected at the Invoice debtor: Status, a warning message will not be displayed if the debtor defined at the Invoice to box in the service order header is blocked or inactive.

Process quotations

The Process quotation message is displayed when a quotation is selected at the Sales order number box. Click Yes to create a service order for the quotation, or click No to select another service order or quotation.

Prepayment: All installation information will be lost

The Prepayment: All installment information will be lost message is displayed when Prepayment is clicked in the Conditions screen, and the amount/percentage is defined in the Prepayment screen. Click Yes to continue with the prepayment defined and all the payment terms will be reset, or click No to return to the Conditions screen.

Update address

The Update: address message is displayed if the  Address button in the Ordered by box, Service at box, or Invoice to box is clicked, and changes are made to the debtor’s address in edit mode (if you change the debtor's address when creating a new service order, this message will always be displayed). Click Yes if you want the changes made to the address to be reflected at the debtor maintenance (go to Finance/Accounts receivable/Maintain, select the relevant debtor, and then click Open), under the Contact tab, or click No if you only want the changes made to the address to be reflected in the service order (changes made to the address will not be reflected at the debtor maintenance).

Update: Price agreement

The Update: Price agreement message is displayed if the Pricelist column for the selected service item (in the service order lines) is linked to a price agreement, and changes are made to the Amount of the service item. Click Yes if you want the price agreement to be updated with the new amount for the service item, or click No if you do not want the price agreement to be updated with the new amount for the service item. If you click No, the Price agreement screen will be displayed. Fill in the required boxes if you want to add a new price list to the price agreement, otherwise click Close. For more information, see Create: Price agreement below.

Create: Price agreement

The Create: Price agreement screen is displayed if the Disc. %(Extra) column, New price column, or Amount column in the service order lines is changed, and the service order line is not linked to a price agreement, or the service order line is linked to a price agreement and the existing price agreement is not updated. For more information, see Creating and Maintaining Price Agreements at Sales Order and Service Order Entry.

Delete entry line?

The Delete entry line message is displayed when ESC is pressed at the selected service order line. Click Yes to delete the service order line, or click No to return to the service order entry screen (the service order line will not be deleted).

Duplicate: Your reference

The Duplicate: Your reference screen is displayed if the Ordered by debtor and Your reference defined in the service order header are similar to the Ordered by debtor and Your reference defined in another service order. This screen displays the service orders with similar ordered by debtor and reference number. Click Details to view the selected service order, or Close to continue and return to the service order entry screen.  

Order debtor: Status

The Order debtor: Status message is displayed if the Order by debtor is changed to an inactive debtor. Click Yes to continue (the inactive debtor selected will be the Order by debtor) or click No to change the Order by debtor to another debtor.

Note: If Ask user is selected at the Order debtor: Status, a warning message will be displayed if the debtor defined at the Order by box in the service order header is blocked or inactive. If Always is selected at the Invoice debtor: Status, a warning message will not be displayed if the debtor defined at the Order by box in the service order header is blocked or inactive.

Display: Stock check?

The Stock check screen is displayed when there is insufficient stock for the selected item during the fulfillment date selected. You can choose one of the following options:

  • Always - The screen will always be displayed.
  • Stock controlled - The screen will be displayed if there is insufficient stock for stock-controlled items and never display for order-controlled items.
  • Stock/Order controlled - The screen will be displayed when there is insufficient stock for stock-controlled or order-controlled items.
  • Never - The screen will not be displayed. By selecting this, the fulfillment date will not change but remains as per the default date assigned by the system even though there is insufficient stock available for delivery.

Note: The stock check screen will be displayed only if the items selected in the service order lines are stock controlled items or order controlled items.


Restore defaults

Click this to reset the column(s) selected in the Line section to the defaulted column(s) defined by the authorized employee. A message “Restore defaults will remove all existing user-defined layouts. Continue anyway?” will be displayed. Select Yes to reset all the columns, or click No to return to the Define columns screen.

Note: This button will reset all the columns to the columns defined by the authorized employee only if the authorized employee has defined default columns. Otherwise, the columns will be reset to the default columns defined by Exact Globe.

Note: This button is enabled only if the employee has been given the Define default layout columns role at System/HR & Security/Security roles (select a role and click Open, under the Rights tab).

Set as default

Click this to set the column(s) selected in the Line section as default columns for all the employees. A message “This will set the default layout as default to all users. Continue anyway?” will be displayed. Select Yes to set the selected columns as default for all the employees, or select No to return to the Define columns screen.

Note: This button is enabled only if the employee has been given Define default layout columns role at System/HR & Security/Security roles (select a role and click Open, under the Rights tab).

Note: The defaulted column(s) defined by the authorized employee will be reflected for all the employees only if the employees have not define their own default columns. However, employees are still able to set their own default columns.


Click this if you only want the default columns to be displayed in the service order lines such as Description, Warehouse, Pricelist, Ordered, Unit, Fulfillment date, Sales price, Net price, VAT, and Amount.


Click this to save, and return to the Service orders screen.

Select all

Click this to select all check boxes in the Line section.

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 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 16.577.212
 Assortment:  Date: 10-06-2009
 Release: 396  Attachment: