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Overview of assets

Menu path

Assets ➔ Assets ➔ Maintain


In overview of assets, you can view a list of your existing assets or create an asset. You can also sell, calculate, recode, or delete existing assets.

What version are you using?

The information in this document is based on product update 406. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.



Click Search to search for assets based on the defined criteria.


Click Clear to clear the defined criteria. 


Type the number of rows to be displayed in each screen. If you have set the default number of rows as 3, then 3 rows will be displayed. Therefore, if you have more than 2 rows listed, then you will see the Previous and Next buttons.


Click Previous to return to the previous screen.


Click Next to go to the next screen.


Select the required option to filter the search that starts with or contains a certain letter or word.  

Serial number

Type a full or partial serial number to search for the relevant asset. The serial number is based on the Serial number defined at the assets maintenance (go to Assets/Assets/Maintain, select the relevant item and click Open).


Type a full or partial item code to search for the relevant asset. The item code is based on the Item code defined at the assets maintenance (go to Assets/Assets/Maintain, select the relevant item and click Open. Item code is defined at the General tab under the Advanced section).


Type a full or partial name of the resource to search for the asset linked to the selected resource. The resource is based on the Resource found at the assets maintenance (go to Assets/Assets/Maintain, select the relevant item and click Open. Resource is defined at the General tab under the Current: In use section). To define this resource, go to HR/Human resources/Maintain and click New.


Type a full or partial description of the asset to search for the asset. The description is based on the Description defined at the asset maintenance via Assets/Assets/Maintain by clicking New.


Type or select the asset group to search for the relevant asset. The group is based on the Group defined at the assets maintenance (go to Assets/Assets/Maintain, select the relevant item and click Open. Group is defined at the General tab under the General ledger accounts section).


Select the status of the asset to be displayed in the search results. You can select more than one.

  • Active — Select this to display assets with the active status. Active assets are assets that are in use and enable any transactions such as depreciation.
  • Depreciated— Select this to display assets that are fully depreciated. Depreciated assets are assets that have a value of zero or an end value as defined at the Residual value field in the Basics tab of asset maintenance.
  • Blocked— Select this to display assets with the blocked status. Blocked assets are assets that are blocked from further processing whereby the items at the General tab at the assets maintenance cannot be edited. 
  • Sold— Select this to display assets that are sold. Sold assets are assets which are disposed. Sold assets cannot have any more transactions.
  • Inactive— Select this to display assets with the inactive status. Assets can be set inactive provided the depreciation end date is before the current date. Inactive assets cannot have any more transactions.
  • Written off— Select this to display assets that are written off. Written off assets are assets with a zero value.



Click this to calculate the budgeted depreciation amounts for the selected asset. For more information, see Calculating budgeted depreciation. The depreciation value can be recalculated according to the selected depreciation method and period by clicking the Calculate button in the Basics tab of asset maintenance.  

Write off

Click this to set the value of the selected asset to zero. For more information, see Writing off assets.


Click this to rename the serial number of the selected asset. For more information, see Recoding asset serial numbers.


Click this to sell a selected asset. A sales order will be generated for the selected asset. For more information, see Selling assets.


Click this to delete a selected asset. A message "This process may take some time. Continue?" will be displayed. Click Yes to continue or click No to cancel the delete function. If you click Yes to continue and there are no financial transactions linked to the selected asset, a message "Completed successfully: Delete" will be displayed. If however there are financial transactions linked to the selected asset, a message indicating the serial number and informing you that the asset cannot be deleted will be displayed instead. 
Note: If however there are financial transactions linked to the selected asset, a message indicating the serial number and "This asset has an investment entry linked. If you continue the asset will be deleted and the asset information will be removed from the investment entry. Do you want to continue?" will be displayed. Click Yes to continue or click No to cancel the delete function. 


Click this to view or modify a selected asset entry. For more information, see Creating and maintaining assets.


Click this to create an asset entry. For more information, see Creating and maintaining assets.


Click this to exit.  

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