Manufacturing ➔ Entries ➔ Engineering change
In this screen, you can maintain, approve, and reject engineering changes. An engineering change activity is a record of the description and reason for creating and/or editing a Bill of Materials (BOM). Engineering changes are generated when the BOM for a manufactured item is changed. For more details on engineering change entry, see Creating and maintaining Bills of Materials.
Note: You can only see the menu path if the Use engineering change management check box is selected at System ➔ General ➔ Settings, under Manufacturing settings.
The information in this document is based on product update 405. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.
Select the required option to filter the search that starts with or contains a certain letter or word. Select equal to to search for the exact letters or words.
Type or select a person who filled in the engineering change information.
Select Open, Approved, or Rejected to display the activities according to the selected status. Alternatively, select All to display all activities.
Type or select an item code to display the activities that have this item registered.
Type a full or partial description to search for the activities that match the description.
Type or select a BOM version to display engineering change activities for this version.
This column displays the IDs of the engineering change activities.
This displays the BOM versions linked to the engineering change activities.
This displays the descriptions of the engineering change activities.
This displays the statuses of the engineering change activities.
This displays the dates when the BOMs were modified.
This displays the make items of the BOM versions.
This displays the people who filled in the engineering change information, in other words, the people who modified the details of the BOMs.
This displays the remarks filled in when the engineering changes are approved or rejected.
Click this to search for the activities based on the defined criteria.
Click this to reset the defined criteria.
Click this to display the defined criteria.
Click this to approve the engineering change activity or activities selected.
Note: This is enabled only if you have selected one activity or more. This will not be enabled if you have not selected an activity, or if the selected activity has already been approved or rejected.
Click this to reject the engineering change activity or activities selected.
Click this to view or modify the details of the engineering change activity.
Note: This is enabled only if you have selected an activity.
Click this to exit.