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Generating item transaction reports from transaction cards

The following screen appears when you click on the Print button in Inventory/Item/Cards

Menu path 

Go to Inventory ➔ Item ➔ Cards, click Print and you will see the Item card screen. 


Layout section 

Sort by

Select the required sorting method to display the inventory transactions accordingly in the report. The sorting methods available are: Period, Date, Entry number, Your reference, Our ref., and Warehouse

New page for every item

Select the New page for every item check box to display the inventory transactions for a specific item in a new page. 


 Select the Unprocessed check box to display both processed and unprocessed inventory transactions. Unprocessed inventory transactions can include unprocessed sales and purchase invoices. You can process them by going to Finance ➔ Entries ➔ Process. For more details on how to process an item transaction, see Overview of processing the journal entries

Filter section 


Select one of the options to display the item transactions that belong to the transaction type: 

  • Revenue — Select this option to display the inventory transactions that have been invoiced and printed.
  • Inventory — Select this option to display the inventory transactions that involve stock movement.
  • All — Select this option to display the inventory transactions that are registered in the revenue or inventory general ledger account.

Range section 


Type or select an item or range of items to display the inventory transactions for the items. Select the All check box to display the inventory transactions for all items. 

Item group

Type or select an item group or range of item groups to display the item transaction for the item groups. Select the All check box to display the inventory transactions for all item groups. 


Select a financial year to display the inventory transactions that are registered in the year. 

Note: The active financial years available for selection are created in System ➔ General ➔ Settings ➔ General settings under the Period and year control section. 


Type the period or range of periods (for the specified corresponding financial year) to display the inventory transactions registered in the period range. Select the All check box to display the inventory transactions for all periods. 


Type or select a date or range of dates (for the corresponding Period and Year) to display the inventory transactions registered in the date range. Select the All check box to display the inventory transactions for any dates. 

Currency section 


Select a currency to display the amount for the inventory transaction in the currency. 

Note: The currency available for selection is created in System ➔ General ➔ Countries ➔ Currencies. 

Exchange rate date

Select an exchange rate date to display the inventory transactions that use exchange rates created on or after the date. 

Exchange rate

By default, the exchange rate displayed here is for the currency that the transactions are to be displayed in. This value is updated depending on whether Currency or Exchange rate date is changed. This cannot be modified. 

Note: The exchange rate for the item transaction is created in System ➔ General ➔ Countries ➔ Exchange rates. 



Click Start to generate a preview of the item transaction card report. 


Click Close to exit. 

Related document 

 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Online help main
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 12.890.561
 Assortment:  Date: 26-09-2022
 Release:  Attachment: