Direct costs that can be charged to an end item are labor and machine hours, and the materials used. Apart from direct costs, there are also costs that have an indirect effect on the cost price calculation of a particular end item. For example, administration costs, purchase costs, electricity costs, logistics costs based on delivery methods, and payment conditions. These are additional costs incurred and will contribute to the cost of producing an item. These costs can be included in the cost price for the machine and labor hours, but it is preferable to separate these costs and create an extra charge item code (extra charge item as phantom item in BOM, payment condition, or shipping method) to record them. You can obtain an overview of the extra charges available in this screen. From here, you can create or maintain the available extra charge items.
You can filter the extra charge items that you want to display. To search for extra charge items, you need to define one or more of the following criteria and click Search. The extra charge items that match the search criteria you have entered are then displayed.
Click Search to search for entries based on the defined criteria.
Click Clear to clear the defined criteria.
Type the number of rows to be displayed in each screen. If you have set the default number of rows to 10, then 10 rows will be displayed. Therefore, if you have more than 10 rows listed, the Previous and Next buttons become available.
Click Previous to return to the previous list of results.
Click Next to display the next list of results.
Select a warehouse to display the extra charge items relevant to the items in this warehouse. Select All to display the extra charge items relevant to all warehouses.
Click Filter to access more filtering criteria.
Select the specific assortment(s) to display extra charge items linked to the selected assortment(s). You can define assortments up to Assortment 10 by going to Inventory ➔ Items ➔ Assortments. The criteria are not available for payment conditions and shipping methods.
Select the required option to display the extra charge items at various stages such as Active, Blocked, Discontinued, Future, and Inactive. You can select more than one.
Select the required option to display the extra charge items with different attributes such as Sales, Make, Buy, Batch, and Serial. You can select more than one.
Select the required option to filter the search that starts with or contains a certain letter or word.
Type an item code to display the specific extra charge items.
Type a full or partial description to display the extra charge items that match this description.
After defining the search criteria, click Search to display the search results.
Note: It is possible that not all columns are displayed. You can add or delete columns as required. For more information, see Inserting and deleting columns.
Click this to modify the details of the extra charge items.
Click this to change the item code of the selected extra charge item.
Note: This is available when you select an extra charge item. It is not available for payment condition and shipping methods.
Click this to copy the data of the selected extra charge item to create a new extra charge code.
Click this to delete an extra charge item.
Click this to view or modify an existing extra charge item.
Note: This opens up different screens depending on the item type of the selected item code.
Click this to create a new extra charge item.
Click this to exit.