Manufacturing ➔ To be processed ➔ Dispatch list
You can obtain an overview of a production order status on this page. This overview provides information on the priority of the production order in the production line such as the production start date as calculated in the MPS, the location, the current available stock of end product, and the available capacity. For planning purposes, it is useful to know the current stage of the production order in the production process, the required labor hour, and the employees assigned to that labor hour.
The information in this document is based on product update 407 and higher. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.
Click Warehouses to display a list of all warehouses. You will see the Warehouses screen. Select the warehouses to display the production orders that are linked to the warehouses, and then click Select. Click Close to return to Manufacturing ➔ To be processed ➔ Dispatch list. You will now see a green check mark next to this button.
Click Selection code to display a list of all selection codes. You will see the Selection code screen. Select the selection code to display the production orders that are linked to the selection codes, and then click Select. Click Close to return to Manufacturing ➔ To be processed ➔ Dispatch list. You will now see a green check mark next to this button.
Note: Only selection codes that have been defined at System ➔ Logistics ➔ Selection codes are displayed in the list.
Type or select the start date or a range of start dates to display production orders that begin from or within the selected start date(s). Select the All check box to display production orders for all start dates.
Type or select the cost center or a range of cost centers to display production orders that are linked to the cost center(s). Select the All check box to display production orders for all cost centers.
Type or select the employee ID or a range of IDs to display production orders that are created by the employee(s). Select the All check box to display production orders for all employees.
Select All to list all types of production orders, Production order to list production orders, or Production order: Disassemble to list production orders for the disassembly of a product.
Note: This section is available only if the Operations check box is selected at Systems à General à Settings, under Manufacturing settings.
Type or select the work center to display the production orders that are linked to the selected work center.
Type or select the serial number of the machine to display the production orders that are linked to the selected machine.
Type or select the production order number to display the dispatch list with only the selected production order.
Type or select the operation to display the production orders that are linked to the selected operation.
Select Open, Started, and/or Completed to display the production orders with the selected status(es).
Select Parent project to display the dispatch list with only production orders linked to parent projects. Otherwise, select All to view the dispatch list with all production orders linked to any project.
Type the number of decimal places to be shown in the quantity field that will be displayed in the dispatch list.
Click this to generate the dispatch list in Microsoft Excel. At the bottom of the report, a number of tabs are available to display the required information. The following options are available:
Click this to exit.