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Generating production orders from production advice

Menu path

Manufacturing ➔ To be processed ➔ Production advice


You can generate production orders from the planning advice in the MRP overview. Based on the Material Resource Planning (MRP) scenario or current stock level, you can create production orders for manufactured items that have no or insufficient stock. This function is used to replenish items that are produced from a Bill of Materials (BOM) according to order requirements, or their minimum or maximum stock levels.


The MRP overview provides a materials requirement plan of the available stock, quantity received, and quantities to be delivered for a selected item over a particular period. You can use this overview to monitor materials requirement versus stock levels, and to replenish materials that are facing shortage.

The MRP overview will be displayed when you click the Display button from the menu path. You can filter the production order items that you want to display. Click Advanced to specify the filtering criteria to search for the production order items. To view the MRP, you need to define one or more of the following criteria and click Refresh to display the production orders based on the selected criteria.



Click this to update the displayed items according to the defined criteria.


Click this to view the sales orders, purchase orders or production order information for an item. This option will only be available if you have selected a cell.


Click this to view the purchase order for a purchase item.

Note: This button is enabled only when Purchase is selected at Content, and when there is an open purchase order for the item.


Click this to see the BOM items which are part of the selected manufactured item(s).

Note: This button is unavailable if you do not have the E-Manufacturing module.


Click this to go directly to the item card.


Click this to directly generate a production order for a manufactured item that is linked to a BOM. Clicking this also takes you to the next screen, which displays various details about the item such as available stock, free stock, purchase order, batch quantity, and suggested production quantity (Advice column).

Note: You can only proceed to the Generate production orders screen if the item is a manufactured item (if the Make attribute is selected in item maintenance at Manufacturing ➔ Setup ➔ Items). Otherwise you will receive a message that says “Must be: Make item”. You also need to have the E-Manufacturing module.

For a manufactured item, the main version of the BOM is selected by default. Different versions of bill of materials are also displayed for the manufactured item but they are not selected by default. If you want to select a different version of a BOM, you can select the required version in the production order screen (Manufacturing ➔ Entries ➔ Production orders).



Click this to export the displayed production advice into Microsoft Excel.


Click this to generate the production order.


Click this to exit.


Click this to go directly to the item maintenance screen.


Click this to modify the delivery details such as the fulfillment date, partial delivery option, and shipping method. You can also do this by right-clicking the cell, and then clicking Change. By default, the delivery method field is blank and the Partial delivery allowed attribute is displayed with the option N/A.

In the Change screen, define the following:

Fulfillment date

Type or select a new fulfillment date in a production order and sales order. The production order status has to be unauthorized to be able to change the fulfillment date.

Reset: Confirm

Select this check box to undo the authorization and confirmation status for the sales order linked to the production order.


Type or select the person's ID to modify the person who is to receive this item.

Partial delivery allowed

Select the required option such as N/A to ignore this option, Yes to allow partial delivery, and No to disallow it.

Shipping via

Type or select a shipping method in which to deliver an item.


Click this to display the MRP overview in Microsoft Excel.


Click this to exit.

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