Information about a bill of material (BOM) can be divided into several categories. Each category is represented by a tab. You can use these tabs to define specific attributes about an item. The tabs are:
Manufacturing ➔ Setup ➔ BOM, click New, or select an item and then click Open.
The BOMs screen will be displayed after you have clicked New to register a new BOM for an item. Click the Step relation tab to define the details of step relation. The step relations provide information of when a step should start and end comparing to its predecessor step. This information is important in the manufacturing environment which uses operation and steps in the production floor.
This is the operation step number and description defined in the Operations tab. Click the Step column to select the step number.
Note: You can select only the saved operations step defined in the Operations tab.
This is the predecessor step number and description defined in the Operations tab. Click the Predecessor column to select the step number.
Click this column to select the dependency type. There are four dependency types for the step relation and its predecessor step which include:
Note: Based on the dependency type that you select and the From day and To day of the predecessor, the From day and To day of the current operation step will be recalculated.
Type the number of hours that will be consumed in between the operation steps.
Note: The lag hours defined will not affect the lead time calculation in the BOM/recipe. Even when copying a BOM version, the production order lag hour will be ignored. But you can set up the lag hours for use with external third party manufacturing software such as Advanced Planning Schedule (APS) to perform complex calculation based on the organization’s calendar and capacity.
Click this column to select either Hour or % (percentage) to determine the unit of measurement for the lag.