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Generating report on hour entries

Generating Report on Hour Entries

Using the Entry report application, you can generate a report on the hour realization entries based on resources or projects. From the report, you can look at the details of the projects and transactions. You can also export the report to Microsoft Excel.

To access this application, go to Projects/Reports/Entry report and click Start.


There are two layouts for the report. The first is Resource, where the hour realization entries are grouped by resources. The other layout is Project, where the hour realization entries are grouped by projects. To select a layout, select Resource or Project in Show under the Layout section of the entry report overview at Projects/Reports/Entry report. The differences between these two layouts are the layout and columns in the report spreadsheet. To know which layout you are currently looking at, see the title bar of the application.


Type or select the date range to include only hour realization entries realized within the selected range.


Type or select the project code range to include only projects with codes within the selected range. To include all projects, select All.


Select this to include only hour realization entries that are pending authorization in the report.

Resource section


Type or select a resource ID to include only resources managed by the selected resource in the report.


Type or select a resource ID range to include only resources with resource IDs within the selected range in the report. To include all resources, select All.

Ordered by

Type or select an account code to include only hour realization entries in projects ordered by this account.

Invoice to

Type or select an account code to include only hour realization entries in projects invoiced to this account.

Spreadsheet section

Date column

This displays the date of the hour realization entry.

Item type column

This displays the type of the item in the hour realization entry.

Project column

This displays the project code of the hour realization entry. This column is available only in the Resource layout.

Project description column

This displays the description of the project. This column is available only in the Resource layout.

Resource column

This displays the ID and full name of the resource in the hour realization entry. This column is available only in the Project layout.

Hours column

This displays five sub-columns, each with information regarding the hour realization entry where the item type is Labor hour:

  • Start time - This displays the start time of the hour realization entry.
  • End time - This displays the end time of the hour realization entry.
  • Quantity - This displays the number of hours realized based on the start time, end time, and work schedule.
  • Realized - This displays a check mark if the hour realization entry has been realized.
  • Auth. - This displays a check mark if the hour realization entry has been authorized.

Other column

This displays two sub-columns, each with information regarding the hour realization entry where the item type is Other:

  • Quantity - This displays the quantity of non-labor hour items used in the hour realization entry.
  • Currency - This displays the total cost price based on the unit cost price as defined in Cost price under the Basics tab of the item maintenance card (go to Projects/Items/Items, select the item and click Open) multiplied by the quantity realized. The sub-column heading label is the ISO abbreviation of the default currency in your Exact Globe administration.

Order column

This displays the sales order number related to the hour realization entry. This is usually the same as the project code for projects auto-generated from sales order. This column is available only in the Resource layout.

Debtor column

This displays the account code and account name invoiced for the realization.

Description column

This displays the description of the item in the hour realization entry.



Click this to refresh the report based on the defined criteria.


Click this to generate and export the report into Microsoft Excel.

Note: In the exported report, No for Authorize means that the report does not exclude hour entries still pending authorization.


Click this to open the project maintenance card of the project related to the selected hour realization entry row. This button is enabled only when you select an hour realization entry row.


Click this to open the project transaction card of the project related to the selected hour realization entry line. This button is enabled only when you select an hour realization entry row.


Click this to exit the Entry report application.

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 Sub category:  Document ID: 15.763.789
 Assortment:  Date: 26-09-2022
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