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Exact Globe+   

Start Page E-Invoice

Setting Up

Setting up


Process flow

Before you can work with E-Invoice it is necessary to set up your administration. This can be done by following these steps:


Each software module is built to support a flexible process. This means you can follow or skip certain steps in order to customize the process according to your own preferences. The steps below take you through the invoice process from beginning to end.

Invoice Settings


Creating and Maintaining Assortments


Overview of Items


Maintaining Invoice Codes



Overview of Invoices and Credit Notes


Authorizing Invoices


Grouping Invoices


Printing and Processing Invoices







Related topics

Besides for processing the financial administration, Exact Globe+ is extremely suitable for retrieving (financial) management information. Within E-Invoice you have the following options:


Exact Globe+ is built to be simple to use and transparent. Below is an explanation of the different aspects of this concept, allowing you to understand the importance and meaning of the One-X- Concept.

Overview of Items List


Overview of Invoice History


Generating Revenue Statistics per Period/Debtor/Item Reports


Generating Revenue Statistics per Period Report for Sales Orders and Sales Invoices


Generating Revenue Statistics per Debtor, Item, Resource, and Item group Report


Generating Revenue Statistics per Date Reports


Generating ABC Analysis Reports for Invoices


Generating Invoice Reports


Overview of Intrastat Data




Updating Items in Batches


Overview of Direct Invoices and Direct Credit Notes


Overview of Recurring Invoices


Overview of Deferred Cost


Overview of Deferred Revenue


















 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Online help main
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 13.073.373
 Assortment:  Date: 26-09-2022
 Release:  Attachment:

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