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Exact Synergy Enterprise   

Product Update 243: New Absence Entitlement Calculations Introduced


There are many methods of generating entitlements for a resource within an organization. Different organizations have different calculation methods for leave entitlement. In some countries, the law depicts that the entitlement is based on the number of days an employee works and not on the number of hours, but it can also be based on working days or calendar days.

In this enhancement, two entitlement calculation methods based on working days have been introduced. The additional calculation methods provide flexibility in the entitlement calculation and meet the statutory requirements.

Menu path

  • HRM/Reports/People/Vacancies
  • HRM/Setup/Organization/Division
  • HRM/Setup/General/Settings

What has been changed

The following changes have been implemented:

  • A new Entitlement section with the Calculation method field is added to the HRM: Division screen. Under the Calculation method field, the following options are available:
Option Description
In hours, based on working days, or In hours based on calendar days The existing calculation method based on the work schedule of the individual against the standard work schedule of the division in hours.
In days, based on working days Based on the work schedule of the individual in days against the working days.
In days, based on calendar days Based on the work schedule of the individual in days against the calendar days.

Note: The In hours, based on calendar days option under the Calculation method field is available only if the Activate: Advanced Work Schedules check box is enabled under the Person:Planning section at the HRM: Settings screen. Otherwise, In hours, based on working days option will be available.

  • When the Activate: Advanced Work Schedules check box is enabled under the Person:Planning section at the HRM: Settings screen, the following message is displayed. Click OK to proceed or Cancel to abort the process.

  • A new Absences Deduction field with Include public holiday and Exclude public holiday options are added to the Entitlement section when In days, based on calendar days is selected at the Calculation method field. By default, the Include public holiday option is selected.
  • When creating an absence request, the Days or Hours field will be calculated automatically based on the options selected at the Entitlement section.
  • The absence deduction will be calculated based on the selected entitlement calculation method in the division card.
  • For more information on entitlement calculations and absence deductions, see Examples of Absence Entitlement Calculations based on Working and Calendar Days for Fixed and Flexible Hours.   

Related document

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Release notes detail
 Category: Release Notes  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 19.846.119
 Assortment:  Date: 03-10-2024
 Release: 243  Attachment: