You can obtain an overview of item statistics at Purchase/Statistics/Statistics/Item. This functionality provides the statistics of each item purchased in terms of cost, margin, and other information which are displayed in the form of graph and data in Microsoft Excel.
You can filter the items that you want to display by specifying one or more of the following criteria and clicking Start. The statistics of items that match the filter criteria you have specified are then displayed in Microsoft Excel.
Type or select a range of dates to display the statistics of items within the selected date range. Select the All check box to display the statistics of items on all dates.
Note: Typing or selecting only the start date will display the statistics of items on the selected date and later dates. Typing or selecting only the end date will display the statistics of items on the selected date and earlier dates.
Type or select an item to display the statistics for the selected item. Select the All check box to display the statistics for all items.
Type or select a range of fulfillment dates to display the statistics of items that were fulfilled within the selected date range. Select the All check box to display the statistics of items fulfilled on any date.
Note: Typing or selecting only the start date will display the statistics of items fulfilled on the selected date and later dates. Typing or selecting only the end date will display the statistics of items fulfilled on the selected date and earlier dates.
Type or select a purchase order or a range of purchase orders to display the statistics of items in the selected purchase order(s). Select the All check box to display the statistics of items in any purchase order.
Type or select a range of your reference numbers to display statistics of items for the selected your reference numbers. Select the All check box to display statistics of items for any your reference number.
Type or select an item group or a range of item groups to display the statistics of items belonging to the selected item group(s). Select the All check box to display the statistics of items belonging to any item group.
Type or select a warehouse to display the statistics of items belonging to the selected warehouse. Select the All check box to display the statistics of items belonging to any warehouse.
Type or select a supplier to display the statistics of items ordered from the selected supplier. Select the All check box to display the statistics of items ordered from any supplier.
Type or select a classification to display the statistics of items ordered from supplier(s) with the selected classification. Select the All check box to display the statistics of items ordered from supplier(s) with any classification.
Type or select a country to display the statistics of items ordered from supplier(s) in the selected country. Select the All check box to display the statistics of items ordered from supplier(s) in any country.
Type or select a resource to display the statistics of items entered by the selected resource. Select the All check box to display the statistics of items entered by any resource in the purchase order line(s).
Type or select a cost center to display the statistics of items entered by a resource belonging to the selected cost center. Select the All check box to display the statistics of item entered by a resource belonging to any cost center.
Type or select the assortment(s) to display the statistics of items linked to the selected assortment(s).
Note: The Assortment boxes displayed depend on the number of assortments defined at System/General/Settings, under Item data settings or Purchase/Items/Assortments. For example, if three assortments are defined, three Assortment boxes will be displayed.
Select Costs to display the statistics of items by costs, or select Quantity to display the statistics of items by quantity. If you select quantity, then the Unit option is available.
Select Purchase units or Sales units to display the statistics of items showing the quantities with the selected unit of measure.
Select Current year to display the current year’s statistics of items or select Previous year to display the previous year’s statistics of items or select Planning to display the planning statistics of items.
This option is available if you have selected Current year for Comparison. Select one of the following to show more details:
This option is available if you have selected Previous year for Comparison. Select one of the following:
This option is available if you have selected Planning for Comparison. Select one of the following:
Type or select a budget scenario to display the statistics of items showing the planning based on the selected budget scenario.
Type a value to display the statistics of top items. For example, if you type 10, the statistics of top 10 items will be displayed.
Select the Selection criteria check box to display the selection criteria in the statistics of items displayed in Microsoft Excel.
Select All to include all details in the statistics of items. Select Item revenue to include only item revenue details in the statistics of items.
Click Start to generate and display the statistics of items based on the specified criteria in Microsoft Excel.
Click Advanced for advanced filter criteria in the Range section will be available. The Option sections will also be made available. Click Simple for hide the advanced filter criteria.
Click Close to exit