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Creating and maintaining internal service calls

Menu path

Go to Service ➔ Entries ➔ Service calls and click New or Edit.


Internal service calls are phone calls made by internal staff to request for services. The following screen allows you to enter information for the service call such as resource, description of the case, item, and other information. On this screen, you can also:

  • view the details of the asset selected for the service call
  • create resource planning for the selected resource
  • realize the service call
  • reject the service call
  • reopen the realized service call
  • print the details of the service call
  • save the service call, or
  • create another service call.


The Activity types screen is displayed once the New button at Service ➔ Entries ➔ Service calls is clicked. Select Service internal to create service calls for resources, and click Select to continue. The Activities screen will be displayed.


Type or select the resource who will be in charge of the service call. This is mandatory.


Type a description for the service call. This is mandatory.

Item 1

Type or select an item for the service call. Items can be created at ServiceItemsMaintain.


Type or select an asset for the service call. Assets can be created at Service ➔ Items ➔ Assets.


Type or select an action required for the service call. Actions can be created at Service ➔ Items ➔ Hours.

Start date

Type or select the start date for the service call. By default, the current date is displayed.

End date

Type or select the end date for the service call.


Select the importance of the service call. You can select any of the following:

  • Urgent — Select this if the service call requires urgent attention.
  • High — Select this if the service call is of high priority.
  • Medium — Select this if the service call is of medium priority. By default, this is displayed.
  • Low — Select this if the service call is of low priority.
  • Long term — Select this if the service call requires long term attention.


Type or select the project that is linked to the service call.

Your ref.

Type the reference number of the service call.


Click Document.png to attach a document to the service call. For more information, see Creating and Maintaining Documents (available soon).   


Type the question asked by the resource who made the service call.


Type the answer or solution to the question asked by the resource who made the service call.



Click this to view the details of the asset selected in the service call. For more information, see Creating and maintaining assets.

Note: This button is enabled only if an asset is defined in the Asset box.


Click this to create a planning for the resource defined in the Resource box who will be attending to the service call. For more information, see Creating and maintaining tasks.

Note: This button is available only if an action is defined in the Action box.

Internal use

Click this to view the details of the internal use asset selected in the service call. For more information, see Creating and maintaining internal use requests.

Note: This button is enabled only if an internal use asset is defined in the Asset box, and is available only if an action is not defined in the Action box.

Save and Realize

Click this to save and realize the service call.

Note: This button is enabled only after the service call is saved.


Click this to reject the service call. A message “Use: E-mail?” is displayed. Click Yes to send an email, or No to exit.

Note: This button is enabled only after the service call is saved.


Click this to reopen the service call after the service call is realized.

Note: This button is enabled only if the Save and Realize button is clicked.


Click this to print the details of the service call.


Click this to save the service call.


Click this to create an internal service call.


Click this to exit.

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 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Online help main
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 17.072.893
 Assortment:  Date: 26-09-2022
 Release: 382  Attachment: