Purchase ➔ Reports ➔ Purchase statistics
The purchase statistics provides the detailed information of each item purchased by warehouses such as the description, purchase price, status, quantity ordered, quantity received, quantity invoiced and amount invoiced and others. From the overview, you can also easily access the stock position, warehouse location, financial card, and other information of the selected item. You may also export the statistics to Microsoft Excel for further analysis.
The Purchase statistics screen is displayed after specifying the criteria at Purchase ➔ Reports ➔ Purchase statistics and clicking Display.
At the bottom of the overview, the following information is displayed:
Click Stock positions to display the stock positions of all items in the overview. Click Totals only to display the previous overview showing the total amount and quantity.
Note: The Totals only buttons is available only after the Stock positions button is clicked.
Click this to display the location in warehouse for the selected item.
Click this to display the transaction card of the selected item. For more inforamtion, see Viewing item cards.
Click this to display the item information of the selected item. For more information, see Creating and maintaining items.
Click this to export the displayed overview to the Microsoft Excel.
Click this to exit.