Defining purchase orders columns
In Exact Globe, you can customize the columns that you want to display in the purchase order lines by clicking
Columns at the toolbar of the purchase order entry screen. If you want certain columns to be available in the purchase order lines, select the relevant check boxes. For example, select the Description check box to display the Description column in the purchase order lines.
The description of the selected item as defined in the item maintenance is displayed. This information can be edited. You may change the description of the item accordingly.
Long description
The long description of the selected item as defined in the item maintenance at Text is displayed. This information cannot be edited.
Extra description
The extra description of the selected item as defined in the item maintenance is displayed. This information cannot be edited.
Supplier’s item code
The supplier’s item code as defined in the items by supplier at the item maintenance (under the Purchase/Sales tab when you click the supplier) is displayed. This information cannot be edited.
Price agreement
If the item for the supplier has a price agreement, then the price agreement is displayed. The price agreement can be defined by clicking the Purchase prices button under the Purchase/Sales tab of item maintenance.
Requested date
Type or select by pressing F2, the requested date of the item for the purchase order. This is the request date by your company to have the stock arrived in the warehouse. This date is defaulted same as the fulfillment date based on the formula (fulfillment date = purchase order date + time of delivery of the supplier).
Note: This option is enabled only if you have selected the Order performance date check box at System/General/Settings, under Purchase settings.
Planned date
The planned date which is the same date as defaulted for the requested date is displayed. This is the supplier’s promised date to deliver the goods at your warehouse. This date cannot be edited and will change upon the purchase order confirmation.
Note: At the initial stage of entering the purchase order, the requested date, planned date, original planned date, and fulfillment date are with the same date. Upon confirming the purchase order the changes in requested date is updated to the planned date where else the original planned date remains the same as at the initial stage when the purchase order is created. This option is enabled only if you have selected the Order performance date check box at System/General/Settings, under Purchase settings. This information cannot be edited.
Original planned date
The original planned date which is the same date as defaulted for the requested date is displayed. This is the date before the purchase order has been confirmed. This date cannot be edited and will not change anymore after the confirmation.
Note: This option is enabled only if you have selected the Order performance date check box at System/General/Settings, under Purchase settings. This information cannot be edited.
Fulfillment date
The fulfillment date is defaulted based on the formula (Fulfillment date = purchase order date + time of delivery of supplier). You may change this by typing or selecting by pressing F2, the expected fulfillment date of the item in the purchase order.
Note: Before the actual delivery of items the Fulfillment date is equal to requested date. Upon receiving the actual items the fulfillment date is then updated to the actual delivery date.
The default currency as defined in the General settings at System/General/Settings is displayed.
The price of the item as defined in the items by supplier (in the item maintenance, under the Purchase/Sales tab) is displayed. You may change the price by typing a new price. A message “Purchase price: Update?” will be prompted. Click Yes to update the newly entered purchase price in the items by supplier screen or click No to cancel the update.
Discount %
The discount percentage for the item based on the price agreement is displayed. If there is no price agreement defined for the item, type the discount percentage for the item that is offered by the supplier.
If the item is liable for VAT, then select the relevant VAT code by pressing F2 or typing the VAT code. If the VAT is defined for the item, then this VAT is defaulted as defined in the items by supplier.
The amount for the item is automatically calculated based on formula: quantity * price and is displayed. This information cannot be edited. The amount may change with the changes in discount percentage and purchase price.
Project code
Select the relevant project code by pressing F2 or type the project code to link the item purchased to the selected project.
Select the relevant person by pressing F2 or type the ID of the person who will be responsible for the item receipt. By default, the representative who is specified in the purchase order header is displayed.
Cost center
The cost center as defined in the resource maintenance of the resource specified in the purchase order header is displayed.
Cost unit
Select the relevant cost unit by pressing F2 or typing the cost unit code of the item purchased. This is used for the distribution of cost of item purchases.
Type the instruction to the item line of the purchase order. The instruction can be any form of text describing action to be taken or steps to be noted.
The received quantity of the item is displayed. This information cannot be edited.
Blanket PO
The blanket PO number is displayed if the purchase order is linked to a blanket purchase order.
The factor of the item as defined in the item by supplier is displayed. This is the conversion factor of the item from purchase unit to the sales unit.
The item assortments are displayed in the assortment columns and this information cannot be edited. The assortment columns will be blank if assortments are not defined for the relevant items in Creating and maintaining purchase orders. You can define assortments for the relevant items under the Assortments section in the Basics tab of Creating and maintaining items. Selecting or clearing the check boxes in the Assortments section of the Define columns screen will determine if the columns are displayed in Creating and maintaining purchase orders (purchase order entry screen). The names of the check boxes are based on your definition at Creating and maintaining assortments.
Select Purchase units by pressing F2 to display the purchase unit of the item. Select Sales units by pressing F2 to display the sales unit of the item.
Setting: Dialog
In this section, you can set the messages that you want to be displayed in the purchase order entry for certain changes made to the purchase order to notify the person creating/modifying the purchase order of the changes before proceeding with the changes.
Select Always to always update the changes without displaying a message, select Never to never update the changes and no message will be displayed, or select Ask user if you want message to be displayed for the changes made to the purchase order before updating the changes. If you select Ask user, there will be an option to select Yes, No, Continue, or Cancel to update or not update the changes.
Purchase price: Update
This message is displayed if a change is made on Price, Discount %, or Net Price in the purchase order line will be updated to the items by supplier in the item maintenance. Click Yes to update the supplier purchase price in the item maintenance. Click No to not update the supplier purchase price. This means the change is applicable only in the purchase order.
Purchase order number: Setting
This message is displayed if you manually type a purchase order number which is greater than the number specified in the Number settings at System/General/Settings. Click Continue to use the manually entered number. Click Cancel to not use the manually entered number.
Update: Supplier data
This message is displayed if there is change on Customer code in purchase order conditions screen (click Conditions). Click Yes to update the change at Code at supplier (under the Financial tab) in the creditor maintenance. Click No to not update the change. This means the change is applicable only to the purchase order.
Final print made
This message is displayed if changes are made on any purchase order information, except for Quantity, Price, Discount %, and/or Net price, when the purchase order is already authorized and processed.
If the setting for Already authorized is Ask user and the changes are done on Quantity, Price, Discount % and/or Net price, then a message “A final print has been made of the purchase order” is displayed. Click Continue to accept the changes and the authorization for the purchase order is removed. Click Cancel to reset value back to the original value. Click E-mail to send the warning message via e-mail.
Must be before fulfillment date
This message is displayed if there is a change to the purchase order date which is later than the order lines fulfillment date. Click Yes to accept the change. Click No to cancel the change and the purchase order date column will turn red with an error message “Invalid date: must be before fulfillment date” displayed.
Item unknown for this supplier
This message is displayed if an item which is not registered to the supplier is selected in the purchase order line. Click Yes to register the item to the supplier. Click No and the item column will turn red to denote error.
Fulfillment date must be after po date
This message is displayed if there is a change in the fulfillment date in the order line which is earlier than the purchase order date. Click Yes to accept the earlier fulfillment date. Click No and the fulfillment date column will turn red with the error message “Invalid date: Fulfillment date must be after po date” displayed.
Recalculate: Fulfillment date
This message is displayed if there is a change in the requested date of the purchase order. Click Yes to recalculate the fulfillment date based on the entered requested date. Click No to not recalculate fulfillment date and the original fulfillment date remains.
Update: Price agreement
This message is displayed if there are changes in Discount % and/or Net price in the purchase order line. Click Yes to update the price agreement. Click No to not update the price agreement. This means the changes are applicable only in the purchase order.
Copy item's extra description to the long description?
The extra description filled in at Extra description at the item maintenance (go to Invoice/Items/Maintain, select the relevant item, and then click Open), under the Basics tab will be copied to the description under the Long description column. The extra description can be edited at the Enter text item box displayed when you press the TAB key in the Item column. This is applicable only if the Text check box at Invoice/Items/Maintain, under the Basics tab is selected and Always is selected in this section.
Calculate: Discount
This message is displayed if there is a change the quantity in the purchase order where there is more than one PO line created for the same item which is linked to the defined price list. Click Yes to calculate the new discount according to the price list and the total quantity per purchase order. The net price is then recalculated based on the new discount percentage. Click No and the discount remains unchanged.
Update: Creditor
This message is displayed if there is change in shipping method, resource in the purchase order header, or payment condition. Click Yes to update the change to the creditor maintenance. Click No to not update the change. This means the change is applicable only to the purchase order.
Already authorized
This message is displayed if you make changes in the purchase order after the purchase order has been authorized. Click Continue to continue with changes and the authorization of the purchase order is removed. Click Cancel to reset the changed value to original value. Click E-mail to send the warning message and cancel the update.
Rejected: Purchase order
This message is displayed if you make changes to the details of the rejected purchase order. Click Continue to allow the changes and the purchase order status will be not rejected. Click Cancel and the purchase order status remains rejected.
Item unknown in warehouse
This message is displayed if you type or select an item which is not registered in the purchase order’s delivery warehouse. Click Yes to register the item in the warehouse the item is delivered to. Click No to cancel the entry and the column will turn red to denote error.
All installment information will be lost
This message is displayed if there are changes in the supplier at Ordered at of the purchase order entry or the payment condition (click Conditions) of the purchase order. Click Yes to allow the change of supplier and the previous payment term will be replaced with the new supplier’s data. Click No to cancel the change of supplier.
Update: Address
This message is displayed if there is a change of address at Ordered at, Delivery to, or Invoice to of the purchase order. Click Yes to always update the changes. If the change of address is at Delivery to (Debtor) or Invoice to (Debtor), then the user has the option to create or overwrite the address data. If the change of address is at Delivery to (Warehouse) or Invoice to (Warehouse), then the warehouse address is always updated. Click No to not update the change of address.
Delete entry line?
This message is displayed if you press the ESC key at the selected purchase order line. Click Yes to delete the purchase order line. Click No to cancel the deletion. If the purchase order is already authorized and you choose to delete, a message will be prompted “Already authorized”. Click Continue to delete the purchase order line and reset status of the purchase order to unauthorized. Click Cancel to not delete the purchase order line. Click E-mail to send the warning message by e-mail.
Check: Quantity available to release by Blanket PO
Select whether to display the message "Quantity ordered greater than Quantity to release?" if the ordered quantity in the purchase order is greater than the quantity to release in the blanket purchase order. Select Ask user to display the message, Never if you do not want the message to be displayed and allow the transaction to go through, or Always if you do not want the message to be displayed and the quantity under the Total quantity column will be adjusted to the quantity available for release.
Restore defaults
Click this to reset the column(s) selected in the Line section to the defaulted column(s) defined by the authorized employee. A message “Restore defaults will remove all existing user-defined layouts. Continue anyway?” will be displayed. Select Yes to reset all the columns, or click No to return to the Define columns screen.
Note: The Restore defaults button will reset all the columns to the columns defined by the authorized employee only if the authorized employee has defined default columns. Otherwise, the columns will be reset to the default columns defined by Exact Globe 2003.
Note: The Restore defaults button is enabled only if the employee has been given the “Define default layout columns” role at System/HR & Security/Security roles (select a role and click Open, under the Rights tab).
Set as default
Click this to set the column(s) selected in the Line section as default columns for all the employees. A message “This will set the default layout as default to all users. Continue anyway?” will be displayed. Select Yes to set the selected columns as default for all the employees, or select No to return to the Define columns screen.
Note: The Set as default button is enabled only if the employee has been given “Define default layout columns” role at System/HR & Security/Security roles (select a role and click Open, under the Rights tab).
Note: The defaulted column(s) defined by the authorized employee will be reflected for all the employees only if the employees have not define their own default columns. However, employees are still able to set their own default columns.
Click this if you only want the default columns to be displayed in the sales order lines such as Description, Warehouse, Pricelist, Ordered, Unit, Fulfillment date, Sales price, Net price, VAT, and Amount.
Click this to save, and return to the sales order entry screen.
Select all
Click this to select all check boxes in the Line section.
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13.051.681 |
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Exact Globe+
Date: |
26-09-2022 |
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