This screen allows you to retrieve the overview of all the purchase orders with order line details for reporting purposes.
Purchase ➔ To be processed ➔ Purchase order list
You can filter the purchase orders that you want to display. To view the purchase orders, you can define one or more of the following criteria and click Start. The purchase orders that match the search criteria you have defined are then displayed. A list of options is displayed if you click at the Warehouse, Purchase order number, and other fields. From the list, select an option and click Select.
Select a warehouse or a range of warehouses to display purchase orders for the selected warehouse(s). By default, the All check box is selected display purchase orders for all warehouses.
Select a purchase order number or a range of purchase order numbers to display only the selected purchase order(s). By default, the All check box is selected to display all purchase orders.
Select a range of purchase order dates to display the purchase orders that falls within the selected date range. By default, the All check box is selected to display purchase orders with any date.
Note: Typing or selecting only the start date will display purchase orders with the selected order date and later dates. Typing or selecting only the end date will display purchase orders with the selected order date and earlier dates.
Select a range of delivery dates to display only purchase orders that are fulfilled within the selected range of dates. By default, the All check box is selected to display purchase orders that are fulfilled on any date.
Note: Typing or selecting only the start date will display purchase orders that are fulfilled on the selected date and later dates. Typing or selecting only the end date will display purchase orders that are fulfilled on the selected date and earlier dates.
Select a creditor or a range of creditor (supplier or person) accounts to display purchase orders from the selected creditor (supplier or person) account(s). By default, the All check box is selected to display purchase orders from all creditor accounts.
Select a person ID or a range of person IDs to display purchase orders created by the selected person. By default, the All check box is selected to display purchase orders created by any person.
Select an item or a range of items to display only purchase orders for the selected item(s). By default, the All check box is selected to display purchase orders for any item.
Select this check box if you want to group all purchase orders in the overview by warehouse.
Note: This option is available only if you have E-Warehouse management in the license.
Select Yes to display authorized purchase orders, select No to display purchase orders that are not authorized, or select All to display all purchase orders.
Note: This option is available only if E-Warehouse management is in the license.
Select Yes to display printed purchase orders, select No to display purchase orders that are not printed, or select All to display all purchase orders.
Select Yes to display completed purchase orders. Select No to display purchase orders that are not completed, or select All to display all purchase orders.
Click this to display the overview of purchase order list based on the defined criteria.
Click this to exit.