This allows you to generate the purchase audit trail. This function enables you to check on your logistics transactions as the report shows the receipts, the generated invoices and the payment of the invoices for each purchase order. The report can be generated at Purchase/Statistics/Audit trail.
Select this to display purchase orders starting from the time of creation till payment.
Select this to display purchase orders in the reversed order; starting from payment till creation of the order.
Type or select a warehouse to display purchase orders with the selected warehouse. Select All to display purchase orders with any warehouse.
Note: This option is available only if E-Warehouse Management is included in the license.
Type or select a range of delivery dates to display the purchase orders that fall within the selected date range. If you have selected Reversed, then Payment date is displayed instead. Select a range of payment dates to display purchase orders with the selected payment dates.
Click Selection code to select a code to display purchase orders with the selected selection code. You can select more than one code. If you have selected the code(s), a green check mark and In use will be displayed.
Note: This option is available only if you have selected Normal.
Select this check box to display purchase orders that have not been received completely or have not been invoiced. If you have selected Reversed, only purchase orders with amounts that do not match the purchase invoices’ amounts are shown.
Click Display to display the purchase audit trail overview based on the defined criteria.
Note: It is possible that not all columns in this example are displayed. You can add or delete columns as required. For detailed instructions on how to customize displayed columns, see Related documents: Inserting and Deleting Columns.
After clicking this, the following will be available:
Click Close to exit.