Purchase ➔ Statistics ➔ Statistics ➔ Period
You can obtain the statistics of purchases volume for various periods in this screen. This report, which is generated in Microsoft Excel in the form of a graph, table, and data, provides detailed statistics of the purchase volume for a selected period.
You can filter the purchase orders that you want to display. To filter the purchase orders, specify one or more of the following criteria and click Start. The purchase orders that match the criteria you have specified are then displayed.
You can display the statistics of periods based on one of the following options:
Select a range of dates to display the statistics of period by the selected dates. Select the All check box to display the statistics of period for all dates. Select only the start date to display the statistics of period from and after the start date. Select only the end date to display the statistics of period before and until the end date.
Click Advanced to display the following criteria under the Range and Options sections:
Select a range of fulfillment dates to display the statistics of period by the selected fulfillment dates. Select the All check box to display the statistics of period for all fulfillment dates. Select only the start date to display the statistics of period from and after the start date. Select only the end date to display the statistics before and until the end date.
Select a purchase order or a range of purchase orders to display the statistics of period for the selected purchase order(s). Select the All check box to display the statistics of period for all the purchase orders.
Select a your reference number of a range of your reference numbers to display the statistics of period for purchase orders with the selected your reference number(s). Select the All check box to display the statistics of period for purchase orders with any your reference number.
Select an item to display the statistics of period for the selected item. Select the All check box to display the statistics of period for all items.
Select an item group or a range of item group to display the statistics of period for the selected item group(s). Select the All check box to display the statistics of period for all item groups.
Select a warehouse to display the statistics of period for the selected warehouse. Select the All check box to display statistics of period for all warehouses.
Select a supplier to display the statistics of period for the selected supplier. Select the All check box to display the statistics of period for all suppliers. This information is mandatory.
Select a classification to display the statistics of period for suppliers with the selected classification. Select the All check box to display the statistics of period for suppliers with any classification.
Select a country to display the statistics of period for suppliers in the selected country. Select the All check box to display the statistics of period for suppliers in any country.
Select a person to display the statistics of period for purchase orders that matches with the person in the purchase order header. Select the All check box to display the statistics of period for every one.
Select a cost centre to display the statistics of period for person(s) of the selected cost centre. Select the All check box to display the statistics of period for person(s) of any cost centre.
Select the specific assortment(s) to display the statistics of period for items linked to the selected assortment(s).
Note: The Assortment boxes displayed depend on the number of assortments defined at Purchase ➔ Items ➔ Assortments. For example, if three assortments are defined, three Assortment boxes will be displayed.
Select Costs to display the statistics of period showing costs or select Quantity to display the statistics of period showing quantities. If you select Quantity then the Unit option is available.
Select Purchase units or Sales units to display the statistics of period showing the quantity by the selected unit of measure.
Select Current year to the display statistics of period showing current year details. Select Previous year to display the statistics of period showing previous year details. Select Planning to display the statistics of period showing planning details based on the selected budget scenario.
This option is available if you have selected Current year at Comparison. Select one of the following:
This option is available if you have selected Previous year at Comparison. Select one of the following:
This option is available if you have selected Planning for Comparison. Select one of the following:
Select the Cumulative check box to accumulate the purchase costs or quantity for each month for the statistics being displayed.
Select the Lines with quantity 0 check box to display the statistics of period by also showing those purchase orders with zero balance.
Select the Selection criteria check box to display the selection criteria in the statistics of period being displayed in the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
Click this to display the statistics of period based on the specified criteria.
Click this to toggle between advanced or simple filter options.
Click this to exit.