This screen allows you obtain an overview of all purchase orders by specific grouping which provides the means of statistics through the Select / Search functionality. Zooming in on the grouping gives you a detailed view and allows you to access the relevant purchase order entry. Direct access to the supplier’s maintenance card and financial card is also possible.
Purchase ➔ To be processed ➔ Select / Search
You can filter the purchase orders that you want to display. To view the purchase orders, you can specify one or more of the following criteria and click Search. The purchase orders that match the search criteria you have specified are then displayed. A list of options is displayed if you click at the Purchase order, Creditor number, and other fields. From the list, select an option and click Select.
Click this to display purchase orders based on specified criteria.
Click this to clear the specified criteria.
Type the number of rows to be displayed for each page. If you have set the default number of rows to 50, then 50 rows will be displayed. If more than 50 rows are listed, the Previous and Next buttons become available.
Click this to return to the previous page of purchase orders.
Click this to display the next page of purchase orders.
Select the required option to filter the search result that starts with or contains a certain letter or word.
Select None, Creditor, Fulfillment date or Purchase order date to group the purchase orders according to the respective option.
Select a specific purchase order or a range of purchase orders to be displayed. By default, the All check box is selected to display all purchase orders.
Select a range of purchase order dates to display purchase orders created within the selected period. By default, the All check box is selected to display purchase orders created on any date.
Note: Typing or selecting only the start date will display purchase orders created on the selected order date and later dates. Typing or selecting only the end date will display purchase orders created on the selected order date and earlier dates.
Select a range of fulfillment dates to display purchase orders with the selected fulfillment dates. By default, the All check box is selected to display purchase orders with any fulfillment date.
Note: Typing or selecting only the start date will display purchase orders with the selected fulfillment date and later dates. Typing or selecting only the end date will display purchase orders with the selected fulfillment date and earlier dates.
Select a specific creditor status to display purchase orders for creditors with the selected status. By default, All is selected to display purchase orders for creditors with any status.
Select a specific creditor number to display purchase orders for the selected creditor.
Select a specific authorization status to display purchase orders with the selected authorization status. By default, All is selected to display authorized and not authorized purchase orders.
Select a specific classification to display purchase orders for the accounts with the selected classification.
Select a specific warehouse to display purchase orders belonging to the selected warehouse.
After defining the search criteria, click Search to display the purchase orders.
Note: It is possible that not all the columns in the example are displayed. You can add or delete columns as required. For more information on how to customize displayed columns, see Inserting and deleting columns.
Click this card to display the financial card of the selected purchase order’s creditor.
Note: This button enabled if you select to group the purchase orders by None or Creditor.
Select a purchase order or a creditor and click Creditor to display the creditor’s maintenance.
Note: This button is enabled if you select to group the purchase orders by None or Creditor.
Depending on how you group the purchase orders, clicking Zoom will display the following: