To retrieve the purchase histories go to Purchase > Reports > Various > Purchase history. All historical orders, including not completed orders, are shown here. The purchase history allows you to quickly retrieve a purchase order for viewing, editing, authorizing, and processing.
Select a warehouse to display only the purchase orders with the selected receiving warehouse.
Note: This filter is only available if you have the E-Warehouse management in the license.
Type a full or partial number of the purchase order you want to display.
Type or select a date or range of dates to display purchase orders that are created on the selected date or within the selected date range. Select All to display purchase orders created on any date.
Type or select Creditor number to display purchase orders with the selected creditor number.
Click Advanced to expand the search criteria. Creditor status, Classification, Description, and Completed are displayed.
Select the creditor status to display purchase orders with creditors of the selected status.
Select the classification to display purchase orders with creditors of the selected classification.
Type a full or partial description of the purchase orders you want to display.
Select the status to display the purchase orders with the selected status. Three options are available:
This displays the creditor’s status and account type of a selected purchase order.
Note: The creditor’s status and account type are assigned when defining a creditor at Finance > Accounts payable > Maintain, under the Basics tab, or at CRM > Accounts > Maintain accounts, under the Basics tab. If the creditor’s status is Blocked, a red cross appears next to these details instead of a green check mark.
This displays the credit limit for the creditor.
Note: The credit limit is specified at Finance > Accounts payable > Maintain, under the Basics tab for Advanced mode or under the Financial tab for Simple mode. The credit limit can also be changed at CRM > Accounts > Maintain accounts, under the Financial tab.
This displays the total amount of outstanding items for that selected creditor. A red cross appears next to the amount if the credit limit has been exceeded. A green check mark shows that the amount is below the credit limit.
After defining the search criteria, click Search to display the search results.
Note: It is possible that not all columns in this example are displayed. You can add or delete columns as required. See Related documents: Inserting and Deleting Columns.
Click Note to add a new note or to view existing notes of the selected purchase order.
Click Attachment to attach a new document or to view documents that are attached to the selected purchase order.
Click Logbook to view the changes made to the selected purchase order. This is only available if the Logbook check box is selected under Order settings at System > General > Settings > Order settings.
Click Print to print the selected purchase order.
Click Copy to create a copy of the selected purchase order. In the Purchase order – Copy screen, under the Process section, type or select an active person at the Change: Person field for the new purchase order if the existing person is now inactive. By default, this field is blank. You can then click Generate to generate a purchase order based on the order you have selected.
Note: The copy of the order you have created can be modified by at Purchase > Entries > Purchase orders.
Click Open to view or edit the selected purchase order.
Click Close to exit.
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