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Receiving purchase orders and Return to Merchant Authorization (RMA) orders

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Purchase Entries Receipts


After you have received the purchased items in your warehouse(s), you can register the receipt of the items in the purchase order receipts screen. Entering receipts enables you to validate the quantity of items ordered against the quantity of items received. In this screen, you can also search for Return to Merchant Authorization (RMA) orders that have been authorized and confirmed.

What version are you using?

The information in this document is based on product update 404 and higher. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.

How do I enter the receipt of the items from the purchase order?

  1. In the Receipts screen, define the search criteria.
  2. Select Purchase order under the Selection section.
  3. Click Refresh.
  4. Select a purchase order in the overview.
  5. Click Receipts. For more information, see Receiving purchase orders.

Keep in mind: The Receipts button is available only if the Purchase order option under the Selection section is selected, and enabled only if a purchase order is selected.

How do I enter the return of the items from the RMA orders?

  1. In the Receipts screen, define the search criteria.
  2. Select RMA order under the Selection section.
  3. Click Refresh.
  4. Select a RMA order in the overview.
  5. Click Returns. For more information, see Processing returned items for Return to Merchant Authorization (RMA) orders.

Keep in mind: The Returns button is available only if the RMA order option under the Selection section is selected, and enabled only if a RMA order is selected.

How do I view and/or edit the notes of the purchase order or RMA order?

  1. In the Receipts screen, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Refresh.
  3. Select a purchase order or RMA order in the overview.
  4. Click Notes. For more information, see Creating and maintaining notes.

Keep in mind: The Notes button is enabled only if a purchase order or RMA order is selected.

How do I view and/or edit the attachment of the purchase order or RMA order?

  1. In the Receipts screen, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Refresh.
  3. Select a purchase order or RMA order in the overview.
  4. Click Attachments. For more information, see Viewing attached documents.

Keep in mind: The Attachments button is enabled only if a purchase order or RMA order is selected.

How do I view and/or edit the purchase order?

  1. In the Receipts screen, define the search criteria.
  2. Select Purchase order under the Selection section.
  3. Click Refresh.
  4. Select a purchase order in the overview.
  5. Click Purchase order. For more information, see Creating and maintaining purchase orders.

Keep in mind: The Purchase order button is available only if the Purchase order option under the Selection section is selected, and enabled only if a purchase order is selected.

How do I view and/or edit the RMA order?

  1. In the Receipts screen, define the search criteria.
  2. Select RMA order under the Selection section.
  3. Click Refresh.
  4. Select a RMA order in the overview.
  5. Click RMA order. For more information, see Creating and maintaining Return to Merchant Authorization (RMA) orders.

Keep in mind: The RMA order button is available only if the RMA order option under the Selection section is selected, and enabled only if a RMA order is selected.

How do I complete the purchase order or RMA order?

  1. In the Receipts screen, define the search criteria.
  2. Click Refresh.
  3. Select a purchase order or RMA order in the overview.
  4. Click Complete.

Keep in mind: The Complete button is enabled only if a purchase order or RMA order is selected, and the completed purchase order or RMA order will not be displayed in the overview once you click Complete.

How do I edit the actual quantity of items received for the purchase order?

  1. In the Receipts screen, define the search criteria.
  2. Select Purchase order under the Selection section.
  3. Click Refresh.
  4. Select a purchase order in the overview.
  5. Click Corrections.
  6. In the Receipts: Correction screen, define the search criteria.
  7. Click Refresh.
  8. Select an entry in the overview.
  9. Click Correction.
  10. Change the quantity under the Actuals column.
  11. Click Process.

Keep in mind: The Corrections button is available only if the Purchase order option under the Selection section is selected, and enabled only if a purchase order is selected.

How do I create a receipt of the items for a purchase order?

  1. In the Receipts screen, select a warehouse at Warehouse under the Warehouse section.
  2. Select Purchase order under the Selection section.
  3. Click New. For more information, see Receiving purchase orders.

Keep in mind: The New button is enabled only if you are authorized to create purchase orders, and if you have selected a warehouse at Warehouse under the Warehouse section.

How do I create a return of the items for a RMA order?

  1. In the Receipts screen, select a warehouse at Warehouse under the Warehouse section.
  2. Select RMA order under the Selection section.
  3. Click New. For more information, see Processing returned items for Return to Merchant Authorization (RMA) orders.

Keep in mind: The New button is enabled only if you are authorized to create RMA orders, and if you have selected a warehouse at Warehouse under the Warehouse section. 



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 Release:  Attachment:

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