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Generating revenue statistics per debtor, item, resource, and item group report



This screen allows you to search and generate revenue statistics report for debtor, item, resource, or item group. The report allows you to retrieve up-to-date information on your actual sales. The revenue statistics also show the cost, revenue, and margin information based on the views selected. When an invoice has been processed in the final form, the revenue statistics are updated as well. 

Note: The revenue statistics are available only if you have E-Sales Analysis in your license.

Menu paths

  • To view the debtor statistics report, go to Invoice/Statistics/Graphic overviews/Debtor or Order/Statistics/Statistics/Debtor.
  • To view the item statistics report, go to Invoice/Statistics/Graphic overviews/Item or Order/Statistics/Statistics/Item.
  • To view the resource statistics report, go to Invoice/Statistics/Graphic overviews/Resource or Order/Statistics/Statistics/Resource.
  • To view the item group statistics report, go to Invoice/Statistics/Graphic overviews/Item group or Order/Statistics/Statistics/Item group.


You can filter the revenue statistics that you want to generate. To filter the revenue statistics, you can define one or more of the following criteria and click Start. Click Advanced to display additional search criteria. The revenue statistics that match the defined criteria are then generated and displayed in a graph and table of data in Microsoft Excel. A list of options appears if you click the Browse button in the Item, Debtor, and other boxes. From the list, select an option and click Select.

Range section

Note: The order of the options differs depending on the views selected.


Type or select a date range to generate a revenue statistics report for invoices or sales orders processed within the selected date range. You can also select the All check box to generate the revenue statistics report for invoices or sales orders processed on any date. By default, the All check box is selected.

Note: Typing or selecting only the start date will generate a revenue statistics report for invoices or sales orders that were processed on and after the selected date. Typing or selecting only the end date will generate a revenue statistics report for invoices or sales orders that were processed on and before the selected date.


Type or select the debtor or a range of debtors to generate a revenue statistics report for invoices or sales orders received by the selected debtor(s). You can also select the All check box to generate a revenue statistics report for invoices or sales orders received by all debtors. By default, the All check box is selected.


Type or select the item or a range of items to generate a revenue statistics report for invoices or sales orders for the selected item(s). You can also select the All check box to generate a revenue statistics report for invoices or sales orders for all items. By default, the All check box is selected.


Type or select the resource or a range of resources to generate a revenue statistics report for invoices or sales orders handled by the selected resource(s). You can also select the All check box to generate a revenue statistics report for invoices or sales orders handled by all resources. By default, the All check box is selected

Item group

Type or select the item group or a range of item groups to generate a revenue statistics report for invoices or sales orders with the selected item group(s). You can also select the All check box to generate a revenue statistics report for invoices or sales orders with any item group. By default, the All check box is selected.


Type or select the classification or the classification range to generate a revenue statistics report for invoices or sales orders belonging to debtors with the selected classification(s). You can also select the All check box to generate a revenue statistics report for invoices or sales orders belonging to debtors with any classification. By default, the All check box is selected.


Type or select the country or a range of countries to generate a revenue statistics report for invoices or sales orders for the selected countries. You can also select the All check box to generate a revenue statistics report for invoices or sales orders for all countries. By default, the All check box is selected.

Cost center

Type or select the cost center or a range of cost centers to generate a revenue statistics report for invoices or sales orders handled by resources belonging to the selected cost center(s). You can also select the All check box to generate revenue statistics report for invoices or sales orders handled by resources belonging to any cost center. By default, the All check box is selected.


Type or select the warehouse or a range of warehouses to generate a revenue statistics report for invoices or sales orders belonging to the selected warehouse(s). You can also select the All check box to generate a revenue statistics report for invoices or sales orders belonging to any warehouse. By default, the All check box is selected.


Select the assortment(s) to generate a revenue statistics report for invoices or sales orders with items linked to the selected assortment. For more information, see Creating and maintaining assortments.

Note: The Assortment boxes displayed depend on the number of assortments defined at Invoice/Items/Assortments or System/General/Settings, under Item data settings. For example, if two assortments are defined, two Assortment boxes will be displayed.

Options section


Select how you want the report to be displayed. You can select any of the following:

  • Revenue - Select this to generate the report by revenue.
  • Quantity - Select this to generate the report by quantity. 


Select Current year, Previous year, or Planning to display the relevant information in the report:

  • Current year
  • Previous year — If you have selected this option, the Previous year box will be available.
  • Planning — If you have selected this option, the Planning and Budget scenario boxes will be available.

Current year

You can generate a report for the following options:

  • No — The revenue and cost are displayed.
  • Margin — The revenue, cost, and margin are displayed.
  • Discount — The revenue, cost, and discount are displayed.
  • Both — The revenue, cost, margin, and discount are displayed.

Note: This box is available only if you have selected Current year at Comparison.

Previous year

You can generate a report  for the following options:

  • No — The revenue or quantities for current year are displayed, but the revenue or quantities for previous year are not displayed.
  • Totals only — The revenue or quantities for previous year are displayed in the Previous year column.

Note: This box is available only if you have selected Previous year at Comparison.

Budget scenario

Type or select the budget scenario or name of the budget scenario to display data from the planning. This information is mandatory.

Note: This box is available only if you have selected Planning at Comparison. You can create budget scenarios at System/Finance/Budget scenarios. For more information, see Creating and maintaining budget scenarios. Once budget scenarios are created, you can enter the budgeted revenue or cost at System/Finance/Budgets. For more information, see Entering budgets.


Type a number to define the top number of records to be displayed in the report. For example, if you type “5”, the top 5 records will be generated in the report and other remaining invoiced amount or quantities will be summed up and displayed in one line. The number filled in must be between 1 and 999999999.

Selection criteria

Select this check box if you want to show the selection criteria in the report.


You can select any of the following:

  • All - Select this to include all the items in the report.
  • Item revenue - Select this to include only revenue items in the report.


You can select any of the following:

  • Invoice debtor - Select this to generate the report based on the invoice debtor.
  • Sales order debtor - Select this to generate the report based on the sales order debtor.

Include financial entries

Select this check box to include manual sales journal entries and financial transactions that were created to write off outstanding amount (entries with transaction subtype Discount/Surcharges) in the generated report. 

Include rules

Select this check box to include all rule items or phantom items in the generated report.

Fictive costs

If you select this check box, two additional columns are displayed in the overview, which are the Actual and Fictive columns. The Actual column shows the cost price of the item fulfilled in the sales order while the Fictive column shows the cost price of the item in sales invoice with no sales order generated.

Note: This check box is available only if you have selected Revenue at Show and Current year at Comparison.

Include costs to be invoiced

Select this check box to include the cost from fulfilled sales orders that have yet to be invoiced in the generated report.

Note: This check box is available only if you have selected Revenue at Show and Current year at Comparison.



Click this to generate the revenue statistics report in Microsoft Excel. The following are examples of the spreadsheets that you will see in the report:

  • Graph
  • Data


The graph view will contain a bar graph that represents data in the table view.


This view displays information based on the defined criteria in a tabular format.

Advanced / Simple

Click Advanced to display additional search criteria.

Click Simple to hide the additional search criteria.


Click this to exit.

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 Sub category:  Document ID: 13.328.040
 Assortment:  Date: 26-09-2022
 Release:  Attachment: