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Maintaining delivery addresses when fulfilling sales orders


You can see the following screen by clicking Address at the Fulfillment screen (go to Order/Entries/Fulfillment, select a sales order, and then click Fulfillment). This screen allows you to change the delivery address of the sales order. You can also create a new contact person which will be reflected at the debtor maintenance (go to Finance/Accounts receivable/Maintain, select the relevant debtor, and then click Open), under the Contact tab.


Note: By default, the Address data screen will display the details of the main contact person for the selected debtor defined at the debtor maintenance (go to Finance/Accounts receivable/Maintain, select the relevant debtor, and then click Open), under the Contact tab.

Note: Changes made to the debtor’s address details will be reflected in the debtor maintenance (go to Finance/Accounts receivable/Maintain, select the relevant debtor, and then click Open), under the Contact tab.


Type or select the ID or name of the delivery to debtor. By default, the name of the selected delivery to debtor defined at the Sales orders is displayed.


Type or select the title code for the contact person. By default, the title of the contact person displayed is based on the Title of the contact person of the selected debtor defined at the debtor maintenance (go to Finance/Accounts receivable/Maintain, select the relevant debtor, and then click Open), under the Contact tab in the Contact persons section.

Contact person

Type or select the name of the contact person for the selected debtor. By default, the contact person displayed is based on the Contact person defined at the debtor maintenance (go to Finance/Accounts receivable/Maintain, select the relevant debtor, and then click Open), under the Basics tab (in the General section for Advanced mode, or in the Contact section for Simple mode).

Note: If another contact person is selected, the address of the selected debtor will be changed based on the address of the new contact person.


Type the initials of the contact person. By default, the initial displayed is based on the Initials of the contact person defined at the debtor maintenance (go to Finance/Accounts receivable/Maintain, select the relevant debtor, and then click Open), under the Basics tab when the Contact person icon beside Contact person is clicked (in the General section for Advanced mode, or in the Contact section for Simple mode).

Job title

Type the job title of the contact person. By default, the job title displayed is based on the Job description of the contact person defined at the debtor maintenance (go to Finance/Accounts receivable/Maintain, select the relevant debtor, and then click Open), under the Basics tab (in the General section for Advanced mode, or in the Contact section for Simple mode).


Click the Address icon to change the delivery address of the debtor.

Address 1, Address 2, Address 3

Type the address of the selected debtor. By default, the address displayed is based on the Address 1, Address 2, and Address 3 of the selected debtor defined at the debtor maintenance (go to Finance/Accounts receivable/Maintain, select the relevant debtor, and then click Open), under the Basics tab (in the Address section for Advanced mode, or in the General section for Simple mode).


Type the postcode for the address. By default, the postcode displayed is based on the Postcode defined at the debtor maintenance (go to Finance/Accounts receivable/Maintain, select the relevant debtor, and then click Open), under the Basics tab (in the Address section for Advanced mode, or in the General section for Simple mode).


Type the city for the address. By default, the city displayed is based on the City defined at the debtor maintenance (go to Finance/Accounts receivable/Maintain, select the relevant debtor, and then click Open), under the Basics tab (in the Address section for Advanced mode, or in the General section for Simple mode).


Select the state code for the address. By default, the state displayed is based on the State defined at the debtor maintenance (go to Finance/Accounts receivable/Maintain, select the relevant debtor, and then click Open), under the Basics tab (in the Address section for Advanced mode, or in the General section for Simple mode).


Select the country code for the address. By default, the country displayed is based on the Country defined at the debtor maintenance (go to Finance/Accounts receivable/Maintain, select the relevant debtor, and then click Open), under the Basics tab (in the Address section for Advanced mode, or in the General section for Simple mode).


Type the phone number of the selected debtor. By default, the phone number displayed is based on the Phone defined at the debtor maintenance (go to Finance/Accounts receivable/Maintain, select the relevant debtor, and then click Open), under the Basics tab (in the Address section for Advanced mode, or in the General section for Simple mode).


Type the fax number of the selected debtor. By default, the fax number displayed is based on the Fax defined at the debtor maintenance (go to Finance/Accounts receivable/Maintain, select the relevant debtor, and then click Open), under the Basics tab (in the Address section for Advanced mode, or in the General section for Simple mode).


Type the e-mail address of the selected contact person. By default, the e-mail address displayed is based on the E-mail of the contact person defined at the debtor maintenance (go to Finance/Accounts receivable/Maintain, select the relevant debtor, and then click Open), under the Contact tab in the Contact persons section. Click the E-mail icon to send an e-mail to the contact person defined in Contact person.



Click this to save the selected delivery to debtor’s address details. A message “Link entered data to new address code?” will be displayed once Save is clicked. Click Yes if you want the changes to be reflected in the sales order, and debtor maintenance (at Finance/Accounts Receivable/Maintain, select the relevant debtor, and then click Open), under the Contact tab in the Contact persons section. Otherwise, click No and the changes will only be reflected in the sales order.


Click this to exit.

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