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Exact Synergy Enterprise   

Incoming Invoice Register Poll Function


After entering the Incoming Invoice Register (IIR) entry in Exact Globe, IIR request(s) will be created in Exact Synergy Enterprise only after the execution of the Poll functionality. The Poll functionality can be executed via a background job or manually via Add-on/Invoice portal/Poll function in Exact Globe. The Poll functionality is used to synchronize the IIR request data between both systems as well.

During the synchronization process, only the status of the request (Approved or Reject) will be updated to Exact Globe. Whereas, when IIR entries in Exact Globe are changed,  the IIR requests created earlier will be rejected.

The are multiple scenarios affecting the statuses of IIR request(s). This document provides the detailed listing of the statuses of IIR requests under the various scenarios.  

Menu path

Not applicable.

Roles & rights

To execute the Poll function, the Administrator role is required.


  • For more details on function rights, go to System à Setup à Security à Function rights.
  • For more details on roles, go to System à Setup à Security à Roles.


The IIR requests generated have additional information compared to the standard requests. Besides the process flow and fields of the request available for standard request, there are also two additional sections, namely Incoming Invoice and Approvers, which are displayed at the bottom of the request.

The Incoming invoice section displays the information of the purchase invoice entry. The Approvers section displays the authorization status by each of the designated authorizers. The description for some of the columns are listed in the following table:

Column Description
Seq. no. The sequence of authorizers authorizing the request. This is applicable only to Authorize consecutive authorization method.
Order The IIR authorization method: Consecutive or Simultaneous.
Authorized The authorization status for the Authorizer: Yes or No. Yes indicates that the request is authorized. No indicates that the request is yet to be autorized or being rejected. 
Authorized by The actual person who authorized the request. This is applicable only if the actual person Delegate as the designated authorizer.
Note: The Commitment column is available only if SE5313 - Commitment Accounting, SE5311 - Incoming Invoice Register, SE5482 - Incoming Invoice Register (Synergy Enterprise integration)YA5311 - Incoming Invoice Register, YA5312 - Incoming Invoice Register role, or G5313 - Verplichtingenadministratie is in your license. With the commitment accounting functionality, you can add a commitment to your incoming invoice entry.


The following settings must be defined before using the Poll function:

  • Front Office settings in Exact Globe. For more information, see Front Office settings.
  • Define the Type, Database: IP Address (Server), and Database: Name settings in the Back office section of the Division card. For more information, see Creating and modifying divisions.
  • If any of the authorizers are assigned with the Employee self-service or CRM role, the IIR request type must be defined in HRM settings in order for these authorizers to access the IIR requests created. For more information, see Defining HRM general settings.

Generating IIR Request

IIR request will be generated for each of the IIR entry when the Poll function is generated. The number of request generated is dependent on the Authorization method used. The IIR request is differentiated from the standard request by having "IIR" filled in Free: Text 5 field of the request.

The creator of the IIR request is based on the following priorities:

  • The Responsible person defined in the Person card of the person executing the Poll function.
  • The Responsible person defined in Front Office settings.
  • The person executing the Poll function.

Note: If the authorizer(s) defined does not exist as a Person in Exact Synergy Enterprise, the request will not be created and the error message will be logged in the log file.

Authorize consecutive

  • A single request will be created for Authorize consecutive authorization method.
  • All the authorizers will be listed in the Approvers section and the sequence for authorizing the request will be as per the sequence shown in Seq. no.
  • When the first authorizer approved the request, the Authorized column will be updated for the first authorizer and the request will be reopened for the approval of the second authorizer during the next synchronization process. This process will be repeated for all the authorizers listed under the Approvers section.
  • When one of the authorizers rejected the request, the Authorized column will remains as it is for the authorizer who rejected the request. The statuses of other authorizers will remains as it is.

Note: The rejected request cannot be resubmitted. The Resubmit button will not be available for rejected IIR request.

Authorize simultaneously

  • Multiple requests will be created for Authorize simultaneously authorization method, one request will be created for each authorizer. The Seq. no shown is not applicable to this authorization method.
  • All the authorizers will be listed in the Approvers section.
  • The authorization status for each request if be updated to the Approvers section after the synchronization process under the Authorized column.
  • When one of the authorizers rejected the request, the Authorized column will will remains as it is for the authorizer who rejected the request. The statuses of other authorizers will remains as it is.

Note: The rejected request cannot be resubmitted. The Resubmit button will not be available for rejected IIR request.

Changes to IIR entry

When changes are made to IIR entries in Exact Globe, the IIR request(s) created for the specific entry will be rejected as well.

  • If all the authorizers have authorized the request(s) and the IIR entry is changed, the changes in the IIR entry will prevail over the IIR request authorization status. All the requests generated will be rejected during the next synchronization process.
  • New request(s) will be created after the previous request(s) is rejected. The new request(s) created will have the corresponding rejected request filled in Free: Guid 1 field and the Remark: Workflow field will contain the text indicating that the IIR entry is changed - "[Poll function <date and time> The purchase invoice is changed.].
  • When the IIR entry is deleted, there will be no record shown in the Incoming invoice section of the request.
  • The rejected requests will appear in the Workflow of the creator.

Note: When a request is rejected by one of the authorizers, the IIR entry will remain in the overview of the IIR entry screen. To resubmit the IIR entry for approval, edit the IIR entry and save without changing the entry. All the corresponding previous requests will be rejected and new requests will be created.

Poll function background job: syntax and parameters

The CSIIRPoll.exe background job is used to schedule the periodic execution of the Poll function.

  • The syntax of the background job: <Exact Globe program installation folder>\bin\CSIIRPoll.exe –r<server_ name> -D<database_number> -u -~

    -r: Exact Globe SQL server name
    -D: Exact Globe database name
    -u -~: System parameters

  • The following is an example of the background job syntax:

    C:\Program Files\Exact Software\bin\CSIIRPoll.exe -rDelta_Bike -D001 -u -~

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