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Exact System CHieronder vindt u een lijst van de Release Notesvan versie 3.07:Exact System C/SOverzicht restrictiesIn Exact Financials C/S is het mogelijk om restricties vast te stellen voor combinati...

The following technical reports have been mastered for version 2.28 of Exact Financials C/S. This version has been made commercially available on June 19, 2000.Report and brief description:012.211 =

The following technical reports have been mastered for version 3.02 of Exact Financials C/S. This version has been made commercially available on July 10, 2000.Report and brief description:020.222 =

Exact Finance C/SNieuwe balansoverzichtenBoekjaren verwijderen Debiteuren- en crediteuren analyseExact System C/SLogboek Opgerekte database Grootte vensters aan te passen E-mail functionaliteit HTML h...

?Exact Purchase C/SEenvoudige en snelle registratie van uw inkoopgegevensIn Exact Purchase C/S kunt u op eenvoudige wijze uw inkoopgegevens registreren. Doordat u in de instellingen standaarden kunt i...

This document contains the technical reports mastered for the maintenance releases 3.00 to 3.04.Version 3.00Version 3.01Version 3.02Version 3.03Version 3.04Below, the most important technical reports ...

The following technical reports have been mastered for version 3.03 of Exact Financials C/S. This version has been made commercially available on August 14, 2000.Report and brief description:012.414 =

Vanaf 14 augustus is versie 3.03 van Exact Financials C/S beschikbaar. Bijna alle wijzigingen in deze onderhoudsversie zijn gebaseerd op de technische rapporten die zijn ingevoerd in P2. Het aantal ra...

As of August 14, version 3.03 of Exact Financials C/S will be available. Almost all changes in this maintenance release are based on the technical reports that have been entered in P-2. The number of ...

As of January 5, version 3.06 of Exact Financials C/S will be available . The package Salaris C/S has been updated. New calculation rules have been added. If you want to use this new version of Salari...

The following technical reports have been mastered for version 2.29 of Exact Financials C/S. This version has been made commercially available on September 11, 2000.Report and brief description:021.91...

As of September 11, version 2.29 of Exact Financials C/S will be available. Almost all changes in this maintenance release are based on the technical reports that have been entered in P-2. The number ...

Vanaf 11 september is versie 2.29 van Exact Financials C/S beschikbaar. Bijna alle wijzigingen in deze onderhoudsversie zijn gebaseerd op de technische rapporten die zijn ingevoerd in P2. Het aantal r...