At this screen, you can copy the chart of accounts from one division or corporate level to another division. This allows you to quickly set up the chart of accounts for a new division.
Go to Financial/Reports/G/L Accounts/Chart of G/L’s, and then click Copy.
To copy the chart of accounts, function right 12 - Maintain division G/L is required. By default, users with the General manager and Controller roles have this function right.
For more details on what you can do with function rights or levels, go to System/Setup/Security/Function rights, select the required module, and then click on the relevant ID. To find out the functions you can perform with a particular role, go to System/Setup/Security/Roles, type in the description, click Refresh, and then click the required link under the Role column.
Click this to save the chart of accounts that are copied.
Click this to exit.
Select the required option to indicate the source and target level before you copy the chart of accounts.
This field is enabled when the source of the chart of accounts that you want to copy from is of a division level. Click the icon to select the required division.
Click the icon to select the targeted division you want to copy to. This is mandatory.