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Overview of importing account statements


When you have sent the bank file to the bank, you will receive an electronic account statement with the executed payments. A bank file is a data file that contains information about amounts the bank has deposited or withdrawn from the company’s bank account for a specific period. This statement is then imported by selecting Finance ➔ Entries ➔ Bank/Cash and clicking the Bank import button.

The automatic import procedure will only succeed if the statement is located in the correct folder as set up in System ➔ General ➔ Settings ➔ Bank settings.

For example, if you have entered “C:\Bank\Import” in the Import directory and you work with the electronic bank statement of ABN bank from the country The Netherlands, the bank statement must be placed in “C:\Bank\Import\NL\ABN”. The 'NL' and 'ABN' folders will be automatically created.



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Type the number of rows to be displayed in each screen. If you have set the default number of rows to 50, then 50 rows will be displayed. Therefore, if you have more than 50 rows listed, the Previous and Next buttons will be enabled.

Statement date

Type or select the start date, end date or both to display the bank statements that start and end within that period. Alternatively, select All to display all bank statements.

Date import

Type or select the date range to display the bank statements that are within the import date or select All to display for all statements.

Bank Account

Type or select a bank account to display the bank statement(s) by bank account.



Click this to search for other file(s) from the specified import directory. If there are any, they will be displayed.


If the bank statement(s) is in a different import directory, click Search to find the file through Windows Explorer.


Select a bank and click Import to start the import process. If a bank statement cannot be imported, a message will be displayed at the bottom of the Import screen.

Note: This button is enabled when you select a bank statement.


Click this to display detailed information of the file contents such as the bank account number(s), statement number(s), opening balance of the statement, the total debit and credit amount, the number of transactions per statement and more.

Note: The Analysis button is enabled when you have successfully imported a statement, or with Status = Imported.


Click this to delete the bank statement. You will see a message asking whether you want to delete the selected bank statement. Click Yes to delete the bank statement or No to return to the Import screen.

Note: You can only delete a statement that was not imported successfully, or with Status = New.


Click this to open the selected bank statement file. The file is open in Notepad to allow you to check whether the data entered is correct. This option is useful when the statement is rejected. It enables you to view the statement file and verify that nothing is missing or incorrect.


Click this to exit.

 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Online help main
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 12.337.344
 Assortment:  Date: 26-09-2022
 Release:  Attachment: