The next list of steps should be followed in order to perform a successful e-Synergy installation on a web server.
Start installation e-Synergy
The installation can be performed:
The installation software is available in different languages. To start the e-Synergy installation from a CD-ROM use the file setup_xx.exe . "XX" stands for the language code. Perform the following actions:
Note: This section is not applicable to a CD installation.
Local installation directory
Add the location (for example, D:\Synergy) at this field or open the browser to select a directory. In this directory, all e-Synergy components will placed.
To install e-Synergy on the server through the Internet the ProductUpdater_T8_XX.exe" is used. It is required to download this tool first to the server. When the user starts the product updater, it makes a connection to the Exact e-Synergy database and the required components are being downloaded. After this installation process, e-Synergy is ready for use. To install e-Synergy perform the following actions:
Please enter your credentials section
Installation section
Note: This section is available only when the validation is successful.