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Exact Synergy   

Start installation e-Synergy


The next list of steps should be followed in order to perform a successful e-Synergy installation on a web server.

Start installation e-Synergy


The installation can be performed:

Installation from CD-ROM

The installation software is available in different languages. To start the e-Synergy installation from a CD-ROM use the file setup_xx.exe . "XX" stands for the language code. Perform the following actions:

  • Double click on Setup_XX.exe.
  • The next screen will be displayed.

  • Product line - To install e-Synergy, the product line “Exact Synergy” should be displayed at the specific field.
  • Install mode - There are two installation methods available for Exact Synergy. These are:
    • Internet installation – Select this option to download the program directly from the Exact Synergy live environment.
    • CD installation – Select this option to install Exact Synergy from a CD.

Please enter your credentials section

Note: This section is not applicable to a CD installation.

Installation section

Local installation directory

Add the location (for example, D:\Synergy) at this field or open the browser to select a directory. In this directory, all e-Synergy components will placed.

Installation through the Internet

To install e-Synergy on the server through the Internet the ProductUpdater_T8_XX.exe" is used. It is required to download this tool first to the server. When the user starts the product updater, it makes a connection to the Exact e-Synergy database and the required components are being downloaded. After this installation process, e-Synergy is ready for use. To install e-Synergy perform the following actions:

  • Download “ProductUpdater_T8_XX.exe” to the server. “XX” stands for the language code.
  • Double click on the “ProductUpdater_T8_XX.exe”
  • The next screen will be displayed.
  • Product line - To install e-Synergy the product line “Exact Synergy” should be displayed at the specific field.
  • Install mode - There are two installation methods available for Exact Synergy. These are:
    • Internet installation – Select this option to download the program directly from the Exact Synergy live environment.
    • CD installation – Select this option to install Exact Synergy from a CD.

Please enter your credentials section

  • Web site - The Exact Synergy program is directly downloaded from the update site which is
  • User Name - Type the user name used to log into one of the portals specified above.
  • Password - Type the password for the user name.
  • Domain - Type the name of the domain to which the user account belongs, such as EWEB for resellers and customers and EXACT-SOFTWARE for Exact-Software employees.
  • Authenticate - Click this button to validate your credentials. When the validation fails, for example when entering an incorrect web site, user name or password, an error message will be displayed. When the validation is successful, the Please enter your credentials section will be disabled and the Release field in the Installation section will automatically refresh and display the highest allowed product update or service pack that you can download.

Installation section

  • Release - Select the release number of Exact Synergy that you want to install. The highest allowed product update or service pack that you can download will automatically be displayed.
  • Installation directory - Type or select the path of the directory where Exact Synergy is installed, for example, e:\Synergy.
  • Update software - Select the method of software update. This setting is important when updating the software. For the first installation, leave the default option During download as it is.

Note: This section is available only when the validation is successful.

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 00.867.526
 Assortment:  Date: 01-01-2018
 Release:  Attachment:

OH-Startinstallatione-Synergy-2.docx 216.4 KB View Download