During the installation of e-Synergy a virtual directory 'Synergy' is created in the Internet Information Services by default. In some case web site or multiple virtual directories can be created in order to set up an anonymous or authenicated portals . The next list of steps should be followed in order to configure the Internet Information Services to create an employee, reseller, supplier or customer portal.
Desciption: rename the website to give it a different recognizable name. IP Address: IP address registered in internal or external DNS. TCP Port: 80 (default) SSL Port: 443. Used when working with certificates. Once a certificated is installed on the website the field will automatically show port number 443. Connections: Mark Unlimited. Unlimited user are allowed to access the web site. Mark HTTP Keep Alives Enabled if the box is not marked. Mark the Enable Logging if the box is not marked. Set the Active Log Format on "W3C Extended Log File Format". The tab page Web Site should look like:
Close the properties of the Web Site by clicking OK.