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Exact Financials (v3)   

Alphabetical overview parameters

The following table lists the parameters used in the Excel Add-In functions. Parameters can be filled with alphanumerical values (using characters) or numerical values (using digits) depending on the parameter.

Parameter Value Description
acc_nr   The number of the general ledger account.
acc_nr_max   Enter the last general ledger account of the range.
acc_nr_min   Enter the first general ledger account of the range.
balance_type 1 Posted amounts.
2 Amounts updated after entry, but not yet posted.
4 Budget amounts.
budget_type 1 Total budget.
2 Period budget.
calc 1 Use only figures of the selected period.
2 The amount is cumulative according to the last period used.
cc   The code of the cost center.
cell   The cell reference.
check_on_curr 1 Only entries with the currency code you entered in curr_code.
2 All entries no matter what the currency code is.
3 All entries recalculated to the currency code you entered in curr_code.
co 1-999999 The company number.
crd_nr   The creditor number.
cu   The cost unit code.
curr_code   Enter the currency code.
days   Enter the maximum number of days. All items for which the number of outstanding days is less than the number of days specified, are shown.
deb_nr   The debtor number.
entry_nr   The entry number. When you enter '0', it stands for all outstanding items.
field   The name of the field.
file   The name of the file.
FY   The financial year. You can use 2 or 4 digits.
key   The key which is being looked for in the file.
main_class_cd   The classification code.
model 1 Choose for administration reports. Always choose 1.
outstan_type 1 Amount after entry in default currency.
2 Amount after posting in default currency.
3 Amount after entry in the currency of the outstanding items.
4 Amount after posting in the currency of the outstanding items.
5 Total of the payment discount/charge.
6 Original amount outstanding item.
7 Exchange rate of the outstanding item.
8 Number of outstanding items.
period 1-999 Enter the period.
sub_class_code   Enter the sub-classification code.
value 1 The debit total.
2 The credit total.
3 The balance.
4 The total of the values is only shown when it is positive (debit).
5 The total of the values is only shown when it is negative (credit).
6 The quantity entered on a cost center, cost unit or outstanding item is shown.
value1 (value2, value3,…)   Enter the value belonging to the first (second, third,…) number.
version   Enter a budget version.
week_nr   Enter the week number.
which_rate 1 The most recent exchange rate.
2 The last exchange rate specified before the most recent exchange rate.

In case you can use the Add-In to access the Exact database, you can also do this directly by using ODBC in combination with MS Query. MS Query is a Microsoft product, and is described here only for explaining the basic principle of this product.

By using MS Query you can quickly retrieve tables and fields out of the database. This data you can use for purposes like mailing or standard reporting. This chapter explains in short how this can be achieved. For a more detailed description we refer to your ODBC manual and / or Excel manual.

Excel Add-In contents

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 01.206.721
 Assortment:  Date: 09-03-2006
 Release:  Attachment: