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Exact Synergy Enterprise   

Creating and Modifying Item Releases

You can view the accounts receivable report by defining one or more of the following criteria


There are situations that require attaching of files such as drawings, pictures, and other type of files to the items. This page allows you to create and modify the version of the items in the assortment. You can also attach and download files for item releases via the item cards.

Menu path

  • To create new item releases, go to Logistics/Setup/General/Assortments, and then click the relevant link of the assortment in the Code or Description column. Under the Monitor section, click Releases, and then click New.
  • To modify new item releases, go to Logistics/Setup/General/Assortments, and then click the relevant link of the assortment in the Code or Description column. Under the Monitor section, click Releases, and then click the relevant link of the item releases in the Release column.

Roles & rights

To create and modify item releases, function right 17 – Maintain Item releases is required. Users with the Item management role have this function right.

For more details on what you can do with function rights or levels, go to System/Setup/Security/Function rights, select the required module, and then click on the relevant ID. To find out the functions you can perform with a particular role, go to System/Setup/Security/Roles, type in the description, click Refresh, and then click the required link under the Role column.



Click this to save the details of the item release.


Click this to delete the selected item release.


Click this to exit.


General section


Select an assortment to create item releases for the items in the assortment. For more information on how to create assortments, see Creating and Modifying Assortments.

Note: This box cannot be edited once the details of the item release have been saved.


Type a description for the item release. You can type up to a maximum of 30 characters. This information is mandatory.


Select the status of the item release such as New, Development, Acceptation, Check, Closing, Pilot, Commercial, or Old. The status distinguishes different versions within the same release or different releases.

Download section

Security level

Type the security level to allow downloading of the item attachment. For example, if security level of “10” is defined, only users with security level of 10 or higher are allowed to download the item attachment for the item release.

Check: Security level – Item

Select this check box to allow users to download files only if their security level is higher than the security level set for the items in the assortment.


Select a role to allow users with a specific role to download files. For more information on how to create roles, see Overview of Roles.

Upload section

Allow: Upload

Select this check box to allow users to attach files for the items in the assortment.

Item – Manager

Select this check box to allow only managers of the items to attach files for the items.

Line management (Item - Manager)

Select this check box to allow only line managers of the item owner to attach files for the items.


Select a role to allow users with a specific role to attach files for the items in the assortment. For more information on how to create roles, see Overview of Roles.

Role – Level

Select a role level to allow only users with the role level to attach files for the items. For example, if Reseller is selected, only resellers are able to attach files for the items.

Allow: Check out

Select this check box to allow users to attach or download files only after other users have saved and closed the file. For example, if a user is changing a file, other users cannot attach or download the file. They can only attach or download the file after the current user has saved and closed the file.

Allow: Touch

Select this check box to allow the date of the item release to be updated. When the resource clicks Touch in the Item: Attachments screen, the date will be updated.

Archive section


Select this check box to allow the item release to be archived. The old attachment will be archived before the new attachment is uploaded by clicking Save: Archive in the Item: Attachments screen.

Related document

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 15.581.329
 Assortment:  Date: 24-09-2010
 Release:  Attachment: