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Exact Synergy Enterprise   

Viewing Competency Profiles of Applicants


Considered as one of the key sources of competitive advantage, human capital plays a critical role in an organization. Competency Management is one of the most important tools that help organizations to assess and measure the competence of an individual as well as to identify the key behaviors required for an individual to perform in an excellent manner. This will help them to recognize the right candidates and fit them to the right jobs.

The process steps of the Competency Management functionality in Exact Synergy Enterprise are:

  1. Defining settings — The general or division settings need to be defined before this application can be used properly. For more information, see Defining HRM General Settings or Creating and Modifying Divisions.
  2. Creating field types — Field types are settings of the ratings used to measure the competences, performances, or targets of applicants or employees. For more information, see Creating and Modifying Field Types for Competences, Attributes, and Targets of People.
  3. Creating competences — Competences are skills or key behaviors that are required to perform the jobs. Competences can be created before or after the competency groups are created. For more information, see Creating and Modifying Competences.
  4. Creating competency groups — Competency groups are set up to group specific competences required for different people. Competency groups can be created before the competences are created. For more information, see Creating and Modifying Competency Groups.
  5. Generating competency profiles — After competency groups have been set up, the competency profile will be generated to be linked to a specific applicant(s) or employee(s). A competency profile consists of a set of competences used to assess the applicant or employee. For more information, see Generating Competency Profiles.
  6. Generating competency requests – Once competency profiles have been generated, competency requests can then be generated to notify reviewers to perform the required reviews. For more information, see Generating Competency Requests.
  7. Viewing and reviewing competency profiles — Once competency profiles have been generated, the profiles can seen by the reviewers via the respective applicant or personal cards.

At this screen, you can view the profile generated for the respective applicant. This function is available only if you have set the competency method to Advanced in the HRM general settings. For more information, see Defining HRM General Settings.

Menu path

To view the competency profiles of applicants, go to HRM/Reports/People/Applicants, define the relevant criteria, and click Show. Click the ID of the applicant under the ID column and then click the hyperlink at Competence profiles. Depending on the scenarios, you may see different screens as described in the following:

  • If you are the reviewer of the active profile or have the HR role, you will see the active profile.
  • If you are not the reviewer of the active profile but a reviewer of other profiles for this applicant, you will see the profiles listing. Click indexsmall.png under the Review column for the profile which you are the reviewer.
  • If the applicant does not have an active profile, you will see the profiles listing. Click indexsmall.png under the Review column for the profile which you are the reviewer.

Roles & rights

To view competency profiles, function right 505 – View payroll components is required. Users with the HR role have this function right. However, if you do not have the rights but are the reviewer of the profile, you will also be able to view the profiles.

For more details on what you can do with function rights or levels, go to System/Setup/Security/Function rights, select the required module, and then click on the relevant ID. To find out the functions you can perform with a particular role, go to System/Setup/Security/Roles, type in the description, click Refresh, and then click the required link under the Role column.



Click this to rate the competences of the applicant.

Note: This button is available only if you are the reviewer of the profile. For more information, see Reviewing and Calculating Competency Profiles of Applicants and Employees.


Click this to reopen the competency profile and modify the ratings given.

Note: This is available only when the competency review has been completed and if you are the reviewer of the profile.


Click this to view a listing of all competency profiles for the applicant. For more information, see Viewing Competency Profiles Listing.


Click this to begin the process of matching the applicant to the most suitable vacancies. For more information, see Shortlisting Vacancies for Applicant via Matching Wizard.

Note: This button is available if you have function right 508 - Maintain payroll components and the applicant has a competency profile created which is linked to one competence or more. Otherwise, this button is not available.


Click this to exit.


General section


This displays the name of the applicant which the competency profile belongs to. You can view the details of the applicant by clicking the name of the applicant. For more information, see Viewing Applicant Cards.

Profile section


Reference date

This displays the date the profile is created. This date is defined in the Profile: Start date field if you are generating the competency profile for the applicant at HRM/Setup/Competency management/Generate competency profile or in the Start date field if you are generating the competency profile at the applicant card.

Reviewed by

This displays the name of the reviewer.


This displays the latest status of the profile.


The overall rating for the applicant will be displayed when the profile review has been completed.


This displays additional notes about the competency review.

Competency section


This section displays the listing of competences that will be rated for the applicant and the weight and score for each competence. You can view the details of each competence by clicking the corresponding hyperlink. For more information, see Viewing Competences from Competency Groups. Only competences that are linked to field types with type defined as Value will be taken into account when the final rating is calculated. For more information on the field types and values, see Creating and Modifying Field Types for Competences, Attributes, and Targets of People.

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