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Overview of assets transactions report (transactions report)

Overview of Asset Transactions Report - Transactions Report


This report displays all the relevant information of an asset that is available including the investment, revaluation, book value, depreciated, write off, disposal, and residual value figures. It also displays the start date, serial number, asset group, status, resource, and depreciation method of the asset. The report is grouped based on the item code.

To generate an assets report based on transactions, go to Assets/Reports/Transactions.


You can filter the assets that you want to generate by defining one or more of the following criteria and clicking Start. The assets that match the criteria you have entered are then displayed.

Reports section


Select the transactions report that you want to generate. Select Transactions to generate a report that displays the transactions of the selected assets, Depreciation plan to generate a report that displays the planned depreciation of the assets and its children or Depreciated to generate a report that displays depreciated assets.

Warehouse section


Type or select the warehouse to display assets that are stored in that warehouse. Select All to list assets in all warehouses. This is a mandatory field.

Layout section


Select the required layout method to display the report. Select Budgeted for the report to display budgeted as well as processed transactions or Processed for the report to display only processed transactions. Most of the time, these are depreciation transactions.

Range section


Select the type of asset to be displayed in the report. Select All to display fixed assets of the organization and assets that are tied to a purchase contract, Fixed assets to display fixed assets of the organization or Purchase contract to display assets that are tied to a purchase contract.

Note: This is not available when Processed is selected at Display.

Depreciation method

Select the depreciation method to be used to calculate the depreciation of the assets. Select All to display the depreciation based on primary and secondary methods, Primary to display the depreciation based on the primary depreciation method or Secondary to display the depreciation based on the secondary depreciation method.

Note: This is not available when Processed is selected at Display.

Financial year

Type a financial year or range of financial years to display asset transactions between these years. Select All to display asset transactions in any year.


Type a period or range of periods to display asset transactions between these periods. Select All to display asset transactions in any period.


Type or select the asset group or range of asset groups to display assets according to the selected criteria. Select All to display all assets.

Serial number/Contract

Type or select a serial number or range of serial numbers to display assets that match these serial numbers. Select All to display all assets with serial numbers.

Item code

Type or select an item code or range of item codes to display assets that match these item codes. Select All to display all assets with item codes.



Click this to generate the report according to the defined criteria.


Click this to exit.

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 Sub category:  Document ID: 15.778.805
 Assortment:  Date: 26-09-2022
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