503SP12 |
General information |
Service pack 12 of product update 503 is available as of 6-1-2025 |
503SP12 |
An error may appear when migrating Contact information created in ESE (HF 87.893.412) |
503SP12 |
Improved Incoming Invoice Register (IIR) add on to support FID (HF 87.847.559) |
503SP12 |
Payroll |
Updates made to end of year changes to support special tariff (Bijzonder tarief), 30% ruling, and updates to payroll data screen (HF 87.919.697) |
503SP12 |
Year end balance for entitlements may not be accurate (HF 87.876.130) |
503SP11 |
General information |
Service pack 11 of product update 503 is available as of 23-12-2024 |
503SP11 |
Exact Lightweight Integration Server |
Improved ELIS synchronisation with Exact Payroll Plus so that high amount of journal entries can be processed (HF 87.628.363) |
503SP11 |
Projects |
Inconsistent behavior may occur if hour type is not specified in Non-project hours section of Hours & expenses screen (HF 87.834.380) |
503SP11 |
Projects |
Updates in the Hours & expenses screen may not take effect and may cause incorrect amount to be recorded in Material & expenses request (HF 87.847.192) |
503SP11 |
Word merge email may not be sent successfully when using Exchange Online option (HF 87.682.905) |
503SP10 |
General information |
Service pack 10 of product update 503 is available as of 2-12-2024 |
503SP10 |
Social Collaboration |
A possible security vulnerability related to Workspaces has been rectified (HF 87.789.379) |
503SP10 |
Professional Services Automation |
Corrected an error where it is sometimes possible to approve weekly statements in bulk in Timesheet page instead of Hour approval & rejection page (HF 87.734.251) |
503SP10 |
Running the CMDM conversion may cause an error (HF 87.738.075) |
503SP10 |
Professional Services Automation |
When filling out Material expense request, Item browser does not return any results when Budget line is not specified (HF 87.742.210) |
503SP10 |
Professional Services Automation |
When recording a WBS project, budget lines has only one activity type for selection (HF 87.526.983) |
503SP9 |
General information |
Service pack 9 of product update 503 is available as of 4-11-2024 |
503SP9 |
Professional Services Automation |
An error may occur when trying to insert Notes while realising hours (HF 87.660.194) |
503SP9 |
Social Collaboration |
EXS errors may appear in the logs when Exact Synergy Enterprise session is lost (HF 87.736.239) |
503SP9 |
Social Collaboration |
You may encounter an error in the log when pasting content into your Exact Synergy Enterprise Timeline (HF 87.652.501) |
503SP8 |
General information |
Service pack 8 of product update 503 is available as of 7-10-2024 |
503SP8 |
An error may occur if you have Federated Identity enabled and you use Synergy Office Integration (HF 87.633.579) |
503SP8 |
If you are running an FID environment with CMDM, an error may occur when creating a Customer/Supplier if the Customer/Supplier code contains more than 7 digits (HF 87.633.581) |
503SP8 |
May encounter error when sales order contains negative price value (HF 87.624.758) |
503SP8 |
Service Management Solution |
The system may not return any search results when Show: Search is clicked while creating or editing a service order (HF 87.678.359) |
503SP7 |
General information |
Service pack 7 of product update 503 is available as of 18-9-2024 |
503SP7 |
Professional Services Automation |
The value for Reason of mobility field may not be recorded properly when creating a travel expenses request (HF 87.603.588) |
503SP6 |
General information |
Service pack 6 of product update 503 is available as of 3-9-2024 |
503SP6 |
General and System |
Automated license check may continue to check for the month even if there is no update (HF 87.573.473/87.573.583) |
503SP6 |
General and System |
Hovering mouse over "Created by/Modified by" icon in Project, Account, and Opportunity cards may cause display issues (HF 87.561.159) |
503SP6 |
Professional Services Automation |
The tooltip of the description on the hour entry page wasn't displayed correctly (HF 87.597.528) |
503SP5 |
General information |
Service pack 5 of product update 503 is available as of 5-8-2024 |
503SP5 |
Projects |
An error may occur when exporting a project's budget to Exact Globe+ (HF 87.520.655) |
503SP5 |
An error may occur when using ELIS shop floor control solution without a validated Globe user (HF 87.223.247) |
503SP5 |
Items created in Exact Synergy Enterprise with no location specified may produce an error during ELIS synchronisation (HF 87.522.257) |
503SP5 |
The security in quick search for People has been improved (HF 87.539.814) |
503SP5 |
Social Collaboration |
Timeline entries may not process formatting properly (HF 87.545.647) |
503SP4 |
General information |
Service pack 4 of product update 503 is available as of 22-7-2024 |
503SP3 |
Scripting error may occur when accessing Synergy pages in Microsoft Outlook (HF 87.462.586) |
503SP4 |
SOI may not work correctly due to expired certificate (HF 87.460.667) |
503SP4 |
Service Management Solution |
You may encounter an error while retrieving a list of SMS contract agreements ordered by AccountID via REST (HF 87.471.247) |
503SP3 |
General information |
Service pack 3 of product update 503 is available as of 1-7-2024 |
503SP2 |
General information |
Service pack 2 of product update 503 is available as of 5-6-2024 |
503SP2 |
General and System |
Development Test Acceptance Production (DTAP) files may not be available for download (HF 87.362.444) |
503SP2 |
Legislation specific |
Legislation NL - The generated Arbodienst XML file may contain errors. This has been corrected (HF 87.348.876) |
503SP1 |
General information |
Service pack 1 of product update 503 is available as of 13-5-2024 |
503SP1 |
Service Management Solution |
In Service Management Solution, error messages may appear for all service activity lines even though not all of them have errors (HF 87.251.553) |
Info |
Performing an update of Exact Synergy Enterprise |
Info |
requirements for Exact Synergy Enterprise |
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Overview release notes
Exact Synergy Enterprise per product update - English |
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Overview release notes
Exact Globe Next per product update - English |
Info |
Overview release notes
Exact Synergy Enterprise per product update - Dutch |
Info |
Overview release notes
Exact Globe Next per product update - Dutch |