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Exact Financials   

Technical manuals Exact Financials 7.29/7.30/7.31/7.32/7.33/7.34/7.35 - PASOE installation of Exact Financials for Microsoft SQL Server

The installation of Exact Financials:

Follow these steps to install and configure the software:

1. Start the installer "ExactFinancials-7.29.*.exe" (or 7.30.*/7.31.*/7.32.*/7.33.*/7.34.*/7.35.*) as administrator and select a language (for the installer).

2. Now you can enter the name for a new installation or select a previous installation you want to overwrite:

3. Select or define the destination folder.


4. Now you have to select your Progress Version and Database on the term Custom.

One of the following can be selected :

- 12.2: Progress OpenEdge database
- 12.2: Oracle database
- 12.2: Microsoft SQL Server database
- 11.7: Progress OpenEdge database
- 11.7: Oracle database
- 11.7: Microsoft SQL Server database


- At "User interface" select all.


- "Procedure libraries" will be selected depending your selection on "Custom".


- At "Database" minimally "SQL Server" should be selected. Additionally you could select "JSON files" if you want to create standard demo companies upon opening an empty database. If you select "Synergy" a schemeholder will be created to enable connection to a Exact Synergy Enterprise MS SQL database.

5. If you selected "JSON files" in the previous step, you will now be able to enter passwords for the users "Exact", "Super" and "Appserver".


6. Enter the name of your server running the Progress Application Server for OpenEdge. Additional configure a port, as well as a username and password. By default the user is called "APPSERVER" with password "secret".

7. Select the installation folder where Progress OpenEdge is installed

    8. Enter the connection parameters for your MS SQL ExactCS database

      9. Enter the connection parameters for your MS SQL Edis database

        10. Select the Start Menu folder for your 'Shortcuts'


        11. If you do not have a PASOE configured yet choose select "Create Progress Application Server" at additional tasks.

        11. Finally check all the selected options and click 'Install' to start the installation.

        12. At the end of the installation a window will open wherein you can configure your Progress WebClient deployment package. Tailor the parameters to your environment an click on "Generate" to create you Progress WebClient deployment package.

        13. Click on finish to complete the installation.

         Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Support - On-line help
         Category:  Security  level: All - 0
         Sub category:  Document ID: 31.209.540
         Assortment:  Date: 06-11-2023
         Release: 7.33  Attachment: