A typical consultant in a professional services firm has the responsibility to report the hours he has spent while working on a customer assignment. These reported hours will later be invoiced to the customer, and thus making any mistakes in filing, approving or processing them will result in revenue leaks.
Therefore, handy and correct entry of spent hours is at the core of any professional services automation solution, and, of course, is taken good care of in Synergy Enterprise.
Access to all product features related to hour entry is governed by a dedicated Hour entry role (YA1401).
Users, who have the Hour entry role assigned, are able to:
Become project members (but access to the project contents will depend on whether they are self-service, CRM or professional role users);
Have the hour booking (hour scheduling) request sent to them for realization (a basic Synergy user with no other roles thus will be able to see not only tasks but also hour booking requests; a self-service or CRM role user will be able to access hour booking requests even if they are not configured in the settings of allowed request types);
Access the hour entry screen via his personal card (via the Hour entry button) and there enter new hours, reject booked hours or enter new hours;
Access the offline hour entry menu path to download a weekly Excel spreadsheet prefilled with hours booked for him by his project manager;
Access the offline hour entry menu path to upload his weekly Excel spreadsheet filled with all hours that he has realized in the course of the week.
The hour entry role can be assigned to:
1. Any user in the three key license roles (self-service, CRM or professional) can be assigned the hour entry role. As usual, the hour entry licenses count will remail the same for professional users, and will go down by one for each self-service or CRM user that gets an hour entry role;
2. Note that this role does not overlap with any other license role: any user that needs to enter hours (including project controllers and project administrators) have to have this role to do so; otherwise an error will be shown to a project manager who will attempt to book hours for a user without hour entry role.
The hour entry role requires the following software components to be installed:
1. Having Synergy Enterprise installed with at least one professional role license is sufficient for the role to be used. However, for the whole professional services automation solution to operate correctly, both Synergy Enterprise and Globe need to be installed and configured correctly.