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ICL Export Fulfillment: error message "Unknown error, Actuals > Ordered"

WMS documentation


During ICL 'export of fulfillment', the following error report shows:

"Unknown error, Actuals > Ordered", or in Dutch: "Onbekende fout. Realisatie < besteld"

Cause and solution

These are the currently known reasons for this error message.

Item financial data: G/L accounts for 'stock' and 'costs of goods sold' are equal

When in item maintenance, tab Financial, the G/L accounts for stock and costs of goods sold (COGS) are the same, then all transactions on this G/L account are regarded as stock transactions. In this case, the item card will also always show a +1 (COGS) and -1 transaction (Stock) when selling 1 item. When ICL exports fulfillment information from the central to the sales company, the total stock transaction (sum of quantity on G/L stock account) for each fulfillment line is checked. Since the stock transaction is now zero in total, ICL reports this with the error message above.

Solution: in this case, it is probably required that the item holds no stock, and that the stock account should be a P&L cost account. That is still possible, as long as different (P&L cost) G/L accounts are used for stock and costs of goods sold.

Using a make/explode item in central company and one of the material items is a serial number item

When an item is a make/explode item in the ICL central company, and one of the material items is serial number item, then on ICL export of fulfillment this error could occur. This has been fixed in 405 and 406.

Software error

In product update 401 WMS release 5014, and in product update 402 WMS releases 5227 and 5238, there was a problem in ICL causing the same error message, when the item involved was a make item in the central company. This has been fixed in subsequent WMS releases in Globe 401 and 402. A product update should solve this problem.

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 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 22.797.719
 Assortment:  Date: 21-12-2020
 Release:  Attachment: