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E-WMS Autoreceive sample scenario '7b' - batch item, using supplier batch number range and WMS SKU numbers

WMS documentation


This document describes a sample scenario of Autoreceive.


This document describes a sample for scenario '7b' in document E-WMS - Autoreceive: Receiving a batch item, using E-WMS SKU numbers, and a batch number range as defined by your supplier.

The item's default batch quantity is set to '100'. In the hand terminal settings for receipts (menu System, E-WMS, Scanners, Receipts registration settings), the following settings apply:

  • Auto. SKU label screen = enabled
  • Use external SKU nrs = disabled
  • S/B number generaton = disabled
  • Autoreceive = enabled

Started the receipt, scanned item The SKU label screen shows, scan the receipt location Confirm the quantity to be received  
Enter the number of sales units per unique batch number. In this case '1000', which results in 3 different batches for the received quantity Enter or scan the suppliers first batch number Confirm the increment factor for the batch numbers to generate  
Enter the batch 'best before date' (depending on the scanner settings for entry of batch dates) The numbers and receipt lines are generated ... ... and 3000 sales units are received.  
After reading back manually, the receipt can be opened, which shows the batch- and SKU numbers.


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 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 24.682.702
 Assortment:  Date: 23-12-2020
 Release:  Attachment: