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E-WMS - WMS button in item maintenance

WMS documentation


This document describes the fields that can be maintained in item maintenance, WMS button. This document is based on the functionality available per product update 415.


When maintaining an item in Exact Globe Next, for example in menu Inventory, Items, Maintain, extra master data can be maintained related to E-WMS, by pressing the WMS button. What WMS settings are shown, depends on the item type (serial, batch or standard), and also on E-WMS settings and your license.

The available fields depend on whether crossdocking and 'order pick&pack' is enabled.

Please note: changes in WMS settings are only saved after you press 'Save' in the item card (available after pressing 'Close' in the WMS screen).

Scan code

The scan code is used as extra or alternate item identification in E-WMS, when scanning an item in the warehouse. This can be the item code as used by your supplier, and when your supplier applied bar codes on the incoming stock. Or it can be the 14-digit EAN13 (UCC) item identification as used in EAN128 bar codes. There is no validation on length or content on input of the 'scan code', except it needs to be unique as scan code within the items table. That is validated when your press 'Close'.

To use this scan code in the warehouse, the setting 'scan code', available in every settings screen for the E-WMS modules, needs to be set to 'scan code'. When this setting is set to 'scan code' then an item is identified by searching for the code scanned on the hand terminal, in following sequence:

  • scan codes in menu WMS, setup, scancodes
  • scan code per item
  • item code

Next to, or instead of this scan code, you can maintain scan codes in menu WMS, setup, scancodes. Using these scan codes offers following extra functionality: 

  • you can maintain more than one scan code per item
  • you can link a specific unit and factor to a scan code (separate scan code for a whole box of 12 units, for example)
  • you can specify to ignore a quantity embedded in an EAN128 or HIBC bar code

The scan code per item is supported for any communication form in E-WMS. The scan codes in WMS, setup, scancodes are only supported in WMS ASP, and limited in E-WMS CAB 'RF' wireless usage.
For usage with Activesync or File communication, please also read document When do I need to update the item master data on the scanner ?

To allow only entry of a scan code (force scanning and prevent manual entry of item codes), please see general scanner settings, setting 'Accept scancode only'.

Picking classification

You can enter a free text in this field, which you can use to sort or filter (split) picking lines when sending to a scanner. Please read more about 'picking classification' in this document. The 'picking classification' was introduced in product update 406 and is available for license E-WMS I.

Order picking

This setting is available for E-WMS I from release 407, and gives you the possibility to exclude items from sending picking for sales orders, or to automatically set the item to status 'picked' without actually picking. This can be desirable for dummy items like 'freight cost' and when you cannot use Exact Globe Next 'Discount/Charges' functionality for this purpose. This setting is only enabled for items which are no serial/batch item or SKU item, and offers following possibilities:

  • Default, send picking: send this item picking (default setting for all items)
  • Set automatically to 'picked': this item will be sent 'picking' but only as visible status in the E-WMS control center, and not actually to the hand terminal. As soon as a 'real' item of the same order has been picked and is read back, this item is also read back, where the quantity 'picked' is set equal to the ordered quantity. This is only possible for items which require no extra picking details, like batch numbers or SKU numbers. This setting could be used for items to used to charge order- or freight cost. Then this charge is automatically included when this order is processed in E-WMS, without having to pick this 'dummy' item on a hand terminal.
    Since a cost item will still be 'fulfilled' (but without stock check), you will need to assign a default location to this item in item maintenance ('Inventory' tab), when you are working with warehouse locations.
  • Ignore item for picking: this item will never be sent picking for sales orders. That means you will have to do fulfillment manually in Globe, E-WMS will not process order lines with this item.

You can apply this setting for (not) picking of make/explode items. When configuring "Set automatically to 'picked'" for the make item, you will only get the material items to be picked on the hand terminal. After reading back these materials, the make item will by default be 'picked' for the ordered quantity. Only when picking less or more of the materials, you will have to change the quantity for the 'make' item yourself in the Control Center, after reading back.

When a sales order contains only items to be ignored or to be automatically set to 'picked', then on 'send to scanner' you will see an error report stating "Error in picking advice (No items to be picked)". You need at least one item to be actually picked.

Pick from bulk: quantity

This setting, introduced in release 413, offers the possibility to pick specific ordered quantities directly from bulk type locations, instead from picking locations. You could translate this setting also as 'Pallet quantity'. This setting affects the picking advice 'location policy' for sales order fulfilment, replenishment and production material issues, when the advice setting 'Pallet quantity from bulk' for that advice module is enabled. In combination with E-WMS 'filter order lines' functionality, it is possible to split the picking advice and direct these picking advices to specific order pickers for the pick- and bulk locations.

When a quantity other than zero is entered, ordered quantities of this size (and higher) can be advised from bulk locations. Please see this document for more details.

This setting is only visible when SKU Management is disabled and when the use of warehouse locations is enabled.

Pick from bulk: Multiple

Type the pallet quantity that you want to check and determine the order quantity to be fulfilled to the bulk locations. You cannot editthis field if “0” is entered in the Pick from bulk: quantity field. By default, “1” is displayed. This field only accepts values from 1 to 99. You will see the error message “Must be between: 1 - 99” if you enter an invalid value.

If the value resulting from Pick from bulk: quantity * Pick from bulk: Multiple is more than the ordered quantity, the system will calculate the advice quantity from the pick location first. For this checking to take place, you must select the Pick from bulk: Multiple check box. If not, the system will follow the location advice policy (same checking as Pick from bulk: Quantity).

Note: You can see this field only if you have not selected the Enable SKU Management check box at System > General > Settings > SKU Management, and you have selected the Warehouse locations check box at System > General > Settings > Inventory settings.

Order pick & pack

This setting is available from release 411 for E-WMS II (SE1381) and configures whether this item is to be handled by exception in the 'order pick&pack' process, with following choices:

  • (empty or) Allowed: Default setting, the item can be transferred to the packing location but can also be processed directly after picking
  • Mandatory: it is mandatory to transfer a picked item to the packing location and to status 'advice' for the packing process, the item cannot be processed directly after the first stage (picking from warehouse).
  • Not allowed: the item cannot be transferred to the packing location and can be processed after the first stage (picking from warehouse)

When the order setting 'Pick and Pack: type' is set to 'Transfer', then this setting is also available, however then with the caption 'Order pick&pack (Transfer)' (from release 414SP6).

Standard production quantity

This quantity is used when you want to further automate your production receipts process, to prefill a standard production receipt quantity on the hand terminal. This setting is available from product update 406, for E-WMS I and E-WMS Production and when using ASP. The hand terminal setting 'Quantity/Display which value' will use this quantity field, when set to 'Advice'.

Standard batch quantity
This setting is only visible for a batch item, and for license E-WMS I, and was introduced in product update 406. The 'standard batch quantity' is used in Autoreceive and when you use a sequence number for batch numbers. This quantity is applied when:

  1. the item is a batch item
  2. the hand terminal setting 'S/B number generation' is disabled (so only when auto receiving external batch numbers)

This field determines per how many sales units a new batch number will be applied. If you would receive 100 sales units and the 'Standard batch quantity' would be 20, then you would get 5 purchase receipt lines generated, with each a quantity of 20 and a new batch number in sequence. When the batch item is a SKU item, you could use a batch quantity of 200 while using a SKU quantity of 100, then you would get one new batch number per two SKUs.

You are also able to configure a batch quantity per item per supplier. When that quantity is specified, it takes precedence over this standard batch quantity per item.

Default SKU configuration

With this setting you can link a default SKU/item configuration to a SKU item. These are the configurations maintained menu WMS, Setup, SKU, SKU per item. This setting was introduced in product update 406 and is only available when SKU Management is enabled. When pressing the browse button, you will see a list of active SKU configurations linked to this item.

This default SKU item configuration is applied in following situations:

  • when using external SKU numbers, this default SKU configuration will always be applied on the scanner in receipt procedures
  • when starting SKU label printing on the hand terminal and when the list of available SKU configurations is shown, the default SKU configuration will always show on top of the list

When a default SKU configuration is not linked, then the first (more or less random) SKU/item configuration found for this item, will be applied.

SKU number mandatory

This setting is available when SKU Management is enabled, and was introduced in product update 406. When enabled, it is always mandatory to enter or scan a SKU number in receipt processes, when creating SKU stock. Only in WMS Inventory and repacking (Transfers menu) you are still able to leave a SKU number empty. In issuing processes, a SKU number can always be left empty because you should be able to issue 'sales units' for a SKU item.

Enable Autopack

This setting is used for E-WMS Autopack or SSCC Shipment Builder functionality. Only standard (no serial/batch) items where this setting enabled, will be used in Autopack. From product update 407, this setting will only show when 'Autopack' is enabled, or when using a SSCC Shipment Builder license. (SE1387)


This setting is available from product update 407 and is only visible when 'crossdocking' is enabled. The setting determines whether this item should be included or excluded in E-WMS Crossdocking. You have following choices:

  • Always: the item will be included for crossdocking
  • Never: the item will never be included for crossdocking
  • Sales orders: the item will only be included when crossdocking for sales order requirements (this choice will only show when you also have SE4250 E-WMS Production in your license)
  • Production orders: the item will only be included when crossdocking for production orders (this choice will only show when you also have SE4250 E-WMS Production in your license)
The below fields are available when the following settings are enabled: WMS Receipt Registration Crossdocking sales orders and/or WMS Production Receipts: Crossdocking.

Crossdock size (sales)

For the purpose of efficient handling or transport, you are able to configure a 'crossdock size': per how many sales units should the item always be crossdocked. The quantity required for the sales orders will be rounded up to the next factor of 'crossdock size'. This rounding is done for each individual sales order for which a crossdock advice is generated. For example: when the 'crossdock size' is set to '10', and you need quantities 2, 8 and 12 for three sales orders, then you will be adviced to put 10, 10 and 20 to the crossdocking location. For that reason, you may have to allow receiving 'more', in the WMS Receipts settings.

Please enter this quantity in standard sales units of the item. This setting is available from product update 407, and only visible when crossdocking is enabled.

Crossdock size (prod.)

For the purpose of efficient handling or transport, you are able to configure a 'crossdock size': per how many sales units should the item always be crossdocked. The quantity required for the production orders will be rounded up to the next factor of 'crossdock size'. This rounding is done for each individual production order for which a crossdock advice is generated. For example: when the 'crossdock size' is set to '1000', and you need quantities 120, 1500 and 2010 for three production orders, then you will be adviced to put 1000, 2000 and 3000 to the production crossdocking location. For that reason, you may have to allow receiving 'more', in the WMS Receipts settings.

Please enter this quantity in standard sales units of the item. This setting is available from product update 407, and is only visible when your license contains SE4250 E-WMS Production, and when crossdocking is enabled.

Crossdock location (sales)

From product update 407, you are able to configure a crossdocking location per item. When a specific crossdock location is configured here, this location will be used for a crossdock advice, instead of the general location for crossdocking for sales orders. The location should not be blocked for receipts.

The below fields are only available when the following settings are enabled: WMS Receipt Registration Crossdocking production materials.

Crossdock location (prod.)

From product update 407, you are able to configure a crossdocking location per item. When a specific crossdock location is configured here, this location will be used for a crossdock advice, instead of the general location for crossdocking for production orders. The location should not be blocked for receipts.

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